Dirt Conaisseur
- Credits
- 0
- XP
- 1
- When did you join? -Jun 20th, 2020. However I was not active until this September, since then i have played every day.
- What is your current rank? -Commoner.
- Do you regularly use our voice communication? -I do, even more than I have in the past. However I still prefer to type in the text channels, rather than speak in the VC.
- Why would you like this badge? -I would like to help the server be more active in the wee hours of the morning. I would also like more quiz' I like quiz. I also want to become better at races, and who better to run daily races than me?
- If you were to get the badge, how often would you use it? -At least every other day, but I would try try my best to be available to run a game every day.
- How would you make the minigames fun and enjoyable? -reusing some script here: I would run them for starters, I would give motivational speeches before and after each race, and I would try to take the players into account, and take their suggestions; to make the most player-friendly, and over all enjoyable games in middle-earth.
- Post Script: -I do believe I have significantly improved in the matters I had failed in before, though I do admit I am nowhere near perfect with them. I hope that in the eyes of the reader that I have in fact improved in these matters, so I may succeed here where I have failed once before. Thank you for your time.
- ~Skydrago101
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