Is going on an adventure!
- Credits
- 0
- XP
- 10
- Date: I joined MCME 11th October 2020
- Jobs:
Job #1: Title: roguetrialjob Leader: barteldvn Date: 11/01/2020
Job #2: Title: rudo_and_the_castle Leader: aVeryAngryBadger Date: 10/18/2021
Job #3: Title: Rudo_Farm_Walls1 Leader: Rudolphius (technically Mershy) Date: 10/27/2021
- Plotbuilds:
- Themed-builds:
Theme : Erebor Gate
Not alot of work went into this one and it's not entirely finished (lacking a door and a path)
- Additional Builds:
- Your interests: I really enjoy both exploring and building in Gondorian style, I'm not that into building Dwarven but it could be fun sometimes
- Your motivation: As a kid I watched lotr with my grandpa. As I grew up I got more and more interrested in the works of Tokien, and since my grandpa was a huge Tolkien fan he had almost every book written about Middle-Earth. I had played alot of Minecraft before the pandemic, but during the pandemic I started playing alot of Minecraft. As said above, I joined the server in October 2020, but stopped playing cause everything started to open up again in my country (Norway) so I got stuck with alot of schoolwork and I honestly forgot about MCME. In September I started playing again and in mid-october I started being really active and I explored the server and got so much nostalgia. I really enjoy building in Minecraft and I LOVE Tolkiens books so therefor I'm applying for Artist.