Date Joined:
February 4, 2019
Jobs and Plot-builds:
Am joining more jobs and doing what plots i can, so more will be added shortly!
Additional Builds:
February 4, 2019
Jobs and Plot-builds:
- Maski ran a job to change out blocks and replace them with new better looking blocks - 4/28/2021
- Mattlego gave me a plot in LD to ruin - 4/30/2021
- Plot for a stone structure done in moviecave - 5/6/2021
- Plot in LD given by mattlego - 5/10/2021
- Plot in LD given by mattlego - 5/9/2021
- Joined Osgiliath jobs with destroying the walls and adding vegitation when that was a thing - Sometime bad in the day
- Been doing road jobs with maski.
- (6 and counting)
- Old Ruined tomb plot in Crossroads - Sometime back in the good ole days
- Big Road plot with maski - 6/3/2021
- Plot in LD given by mattlego (Storage) - 6/7/2021
- Private job with maski (Terrain work on a hill) 7/03/2021
- Plot in Pelennor Fields done with Swe - 10/25/2021
- Plot in LD give by mattlego (Two more Storage buildings, and a little wall work/flodding) - 10/23/2021
- Plot in LD given by mattlego (Sea Fortress) - 11/5/2021
- Planning and making this was one of the most fun things i've done yet, hope you enjoy the progression to finished pics!
- Plot in Dead Marshes by foolhardfish (Fixed tree derps) - 11/30/2021
- Plot in Moria (Scaffolding and Mining Platforms) - 01/04/23
- Medium Trees (Of course for my boi Andrew!) - 01/01/23 - 01/04/23
- Large Tree (Andrew Demanded Trees) 01/03/23
- Moria Stuff (Mershy things) - 01/06/23
- Andrast lake smoothing & Terrain - 01/06/23
- Anorien House Concept (Destroyed) - 01/09/23
- Did a job for Wyatt in Ithilien for road work - 02/11/23
- Ran a job for Wyatt doing road construction in Ithilien - 02/12/23
- Did a final job with Wyatt on finishing out his crossroads - 02/18/23
- Another Job/plot with Wyatt making concepts for Tharbad - 02/19/23
Am joining more jobs and doing what plots i can, so more will be added shortly!
- Cave Troll ( -615, 26, 57152) - Willem said it looked good so i assume i did good!
Additional Builds:
- Dead Marsh Concept (-3191, 33, -4828) Freebuild
- First two are the main concept, the last two are my own interpretation of it <3 ooits
- Anorien Style House(-8592, 4, 9963) Freebuild
- First take at an Anorien house, got some help from others to help inspire and get a sense of the style.
- Anorien Style House #2(-8592, 4, 9963) Freebuild
- Had a similar concept with the top floor but the rest was new to me.
- Marsh Tree Concepts (-3215, 33, -4988) Freebuild
- One with leaves and without, experimenting with the new tree/log system.
- Tree Concepts (-4610, 12, 9334) Freebuild
- Made 3 different trees for worldunder, iru also did some helping
- Forest Concepts (-8767, 12, 9887) Freebuild
- Took some inspiration from Ithilien, but its with my own twist.
- Rohan/Cabin Concept (-8811, 6, 9879) Freebuild
- Alot of the idea was to make a Rohan house but it took a turn when i started to experiment with some of the blocks.
- Moria offices/storage (-8863, 36, 9889) Freebuild
- My first time really sitting down and working on Moria. It's small but was fun. The shell was given to me by orruss, but i changed most of it.
- Terrain Work (-8903, -58, 9932) Freebuild
- Still working on it but wanted to get it on here, been having a blast making this!!
- Anorien House Concept (nondestroyed) (-8623, -60, 9956) Freebuild
- Did work this initially for world/rwyland but the end produced was to be ruined, but i still wanna share the nondestroyed version
- Moria room Conecpt Freebuild
- Wyatt decided to afk so i built this to pass the time hope you enjoy!!
- Andrast Waterfall Mainworld
- Got a large plot from matt, i made the river, redid the waterfall and did alot of the terrain smoothing you see!!
- Terrain Fun (-7528, 17, 9797) Freebuild
- Got bored after finishing my plots in Andrast so messed with Voxel an WE to create this hope you enjoy!
- Tarnost Interiors lol - Plotworld
- I twas bored and helped him with his stuff, but you can enjoy some interiors!
- Tundra Concepts - Freebuild
- Decided to make a tundra concept, haven't found a way to do snow layers with Voxel or WE, though doing wool layers would work im trying to find a better solution.
- Carrock Terrain and a few mountains in the Misties - Plotworld
- I Rwyland gave me this problem area near Carrock and i started to transform it a bit, using new techniques and testing out different styles. Not completely done yet, but it look clean.
- Erebor Concept - Plotworld
- Got bored one day and decided to build a mountain i didnt know what to do so i got Mr. Mattlego to show me da way. We decided on Erebor and together have been making moves on it, still a WIP but wanted to share progress!
Special Projects (On going things that ill be doing that are hard to photograph) [/SIZE]
Most if not all of it is being done by Voxel and Worldedit
Andrast Terrain- General Smoothing and reshaping (going around to specific area in Andrast and touching them up and reworking them) [count 7]
- Worked on River and cliffside work
- Helped mattlego with a plateau, smoothing and some reshaping
- Started work on another plateau with a river going over it (Orruss is doing caves inside the plateau)
- Your interests: I love to do terrain mostly, it's fun to change and manipulate it to make awesome looking landscape. For styles to say, I'm a fan of Lond Daer and Andrast mostly. While I'm new to building houses, they are quite fun to make. Moria custom inventory is interesting to use and its fun to make many different shapes and designs. Planning is also something that intrigues me, while I'm new to it on Minecraft I'm slowly learning the process of it all and its been a lot of fun.
Your motivation: - Since I joined I wanted to build, but went another way for a time. So I decided that when I left in January I was going to come back this summer and start to learn, so here I am. I have also has a great passion for design, I love making structures and planning out what I do before hand, so it will be fun to see where this takes me.
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