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Staff/Team Demotions on MCME


So, as someone who has been on MCME for a while now, and seen how things are run, the way demotions have worked, especially with builder ranks has frustrated me.
Lots of people (team, staff, and just general community) are annoyed about how certain inactive staff get to keep their ranks, but most team members are quickly demoted with or without messages (I was messaged when it happened to me, but I know of several people who were not) I think staff need to be held to the same, if not higher standard of activity, as when staff are inactive, entire projects are put on hold, and can disrupt the flow of work and progress on the server. On the other side, I don't think artists and guides need to be demoted as much. What's wrong with having more builders who can potentially return and help out on any ongoing projects? An entire project isn't going to stop when artists go on leave for a month or two. That's the problem, and the solution I've come up with is this: If designers aren't active, they should be messaged about their inactivity, then either be more active, or get replaced by another designer and designer applicant. Then that person can continue progress on the designer's project, eventually getting full project lead when they get the rank, and the original designer can be demoted to artist.


PS, Feel free to respond to this voicing your own opinions about possible solutions or anything
As yours truely resident demoter I'll note down my usual procedure on demoting Artists/Foremen:
1. I check their activity, this can be done through various ways including: checking how often they joined over a period, checking how many jobs they ran over a period, checking how many blocks they placed over a period, own perception of activity, others' perception of activity...
2. If I have already talked with said person about inactivity, perhaps having set expectations or receiving promises which were not met I might demote them promptly. Usually I will also send a message to these people informing of their demotion.
3. If I have not yet talked with said person I will message them asking about their activity and asking whether they will come back or want to step down.

Artists and Foremen get demoted for the following reasons:
- Easier to not have many (in)active accounts with the ability to delete half the map. (Simply put prevent griefing)
- The build quality changes continiously, resulting in people who return after inactivity to often need to learn before being able to get back into things.
- It is incredibly easy to get back your rank if you were demoted for inactivity. All it takes is about a week or two of activity/basic contributions to MCME, and a message to me.

Designers are at the end of the day more integral to keeping larger projects going on on MCME, so I will always be more lenient with keeping them where they are as usually they are not easily replaced. Designers can not simply get their rank back after inactivity. Right now there are not many inactive Designers, nor many Designers all together to be honest. Every Designer you might be refering to I have already messaged about their activity and have set expectations or received promises from.

Please understand that frustation also occurs on my side if I get the feeling people are leading me on to keep their rank, or generally display no interest in contributing to MCME. These frustrations might have led to some mistakes over the years, but generally I follow the system I explained at the top of the post. I am very generous regarding inactvity, if you get demoted for it it means you have done (close to) nothing over a month (usually more) and do not have any reasonable explanation for it.

I hope this answers your concerns.
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