- Credits
- 0
- XP
- 10
Aug 5, 2020
DAredstone-Dol Amroth redstone fixing with maski98
EffiesJob-Calembel redstone fixing with Effiefrag
EffiesJob2-Linhir chain fixing with Effiefrag
Moviecave path texturing- with aVeryAngryBadger
Moviecave mine- with aVeryAngryBadger
moviecave mine plots- with aVeryAngtyBadger
moviecave mine and bridge plot- with aVeryAngryBadger
Orchard-coordinates -170 6 54380
Harlond-coordinates 132 6 54681
Dunland-coordinates 63 6 55026
Tharbad-coordinates 632 6 55167
Carach Angren-coordinates -180 6 55660
Mirkwood-coordinates- 281 6 55842
Troll cave-coordinates- -844 13 57160
Ruined anorien villgae-coordinates- -197 12 57567
Lumber camp theme build- coordinates- 248 22 57776
FFA egyptian theme build- coordinates- 221 6 58043
Great Eagles theme build- coordinates- -2 6 58171
Gondorian Biscuit shop- coordinates- -114 6 58542
Additional Builds:
Medieval city in my singleplayer world
Anorien village PvP mapcoordinates- 3945 6 -7114
Castle in freebuild coordinates- 3786 13 -7031
dwarven house from the stuffmoria job with barteldvn
Anorien village or something...(coordinates- 3271 18 -7042)
Moria Goblin Concept artist school
Gradiant Artist School with W0rldunder and maski98(-618 10 2845)
House in the updated rp g-coordinates- 3830 4 -7137
Keep inspired by Château Guillaume-le-Conquérant (coordinates- 3541 22 -6940)
Your interests:
I am interested in gondorian style. I like building castles, small houses with farms. Also I like building terraIn.
Your motivation:
I apply for artist because I have enough freetime to play on the server and I believe my builds aren't that bad. I have also had a lot of fun in MCME when playing and chatting with people.
I'm keen on helping with unfinished places or places that need revamping in Gondor and Eriador.
Aug 5, 2020
DAredstone-Dol Amroth redstone fixing with maski98
EffiesJob-Calembel redstone fixing with Effiefrag
EffiesJob2-Linhir chain fixing with Effiefrag
Moviecave path texturing- with aVeryAngryBadger
Moviecave mine- with aVeryAngryBadger
moviecave mine plots- with aVeryAngtyBadger
moviecave mine and bridge plot- with aVeryAngryBadger
Orchard-coordinates -170 6 54380
Harlond-coordinates 132 6 54681
Dunland-coordinates 63 6 55026
Tharbad-coordinates 632 6 55167
Carach Angren-coordinates -180 6 55660
Mirkwood-coordinates- 281 6 55842
Troll cave-coordinates- -844 13 57160
Ruined anorien villgae-coordinates- -197 12 57567
Lumber camp theme build- coordinates- 248 22 57776
FFA egyptian theme build- coordinates- 221 6 58043
Great Eagles theme build- coordinates- -2 6 58171
Gondorian Biscuit shop- coordinates- -114 6 58542
Additional Builds:
Medieval city in my singleplayer world
Anorien village PvP mapcoordinates- 3945 6 -7114
Castle in freebuild coordinates- 3786 13 -7031
dwarven house from the stuffmoria job with barteldvn
Anorien village or something...(coordinates- 3271 18 -7042)
Moria Goblin Concept artist school
Gradiant Artist School with W0rldunder and maski98(-618 10 2845)
House in the updated rp g-coordinates- 3830 4 -7137
Keep inspired by Château Guillaume-le-Conquérant (coordinates- 3541 22 -6940)
Your interests:
I am interested in gondorian style. I like building castles, small houses with farms. Also I like building terraIn.
Your motivation:
I apply for artist because I have enough freetime to play on the server and I believe my builds aren't that bad. I have also had a lot of fun in MCME when playing and chatting with people.
I'm keen on helping with unfinished places or places that need revamping in Gondor and Eriador.
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