- Credits
- 0
- XP
- 10
- Date joined:
- Plotbuilds:
Moviecave path texturing- with aVeryAngryBadger
Moviecave mine- with aVeryAngryBadger
moviecave mine plots- with aVeryAngtyBadger
moviecave mine and bridge plot- with aVeryAngryBadger
-new ones:
Udul houses-with Orruss and Rudolphius
Udul ruined plots-with Orruss and Rudolphius
Trees for Orruss
- Additional builds:
Small bakery-coordinates- 3701 4 6995 in freebuild) (old)
House in the updated rp g-coordinates- 3830 4 -7137 (old)
Keep inspired by Château Guillaume-le-Conquérant-coordinates- 3541 22 -6940 (old)
Notre-Dame de Paris- /warp Duorivia (coordinates- 4970 -15 -11477
Castle (in progress)- /warp Duorivia (coordinates- 5330 -4 -11204
Trees-coordinates- 3731 -60 -6820
Bridge-coordinates- 5132 -10 -11543
Baroque-revival styled houses-coordinates- 4670 -48 -10872
House/street concept-coordinates- 4714 -59 -10932
- Interests
- Your Motivation