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[Texturers needed!] URPS Plants


Former Head Designer
Hello my dear texture artists!

During my work on the Unified Resourcepack Project I also did throw a critical glance at the plants we currently have in our packs, and also did look for ideas with which we can occupy the many free blockstates we still have in the plants section.

Thus I'd be incredibly pleased, if there is a fine guy out there who would be interested in supporting their very noobish Head Designer (at least when it comes to texturing) a bit!

Please note that we're aiming on having the full set of plant textures on 32px resolution at some point, thus please make the new textures in 32px resolution right away!

The following ideas I gathered so far:

  • Lettuce
    - 1 growth stage
    - size 1x1 block
    - the texture does NOT need to be seamlessly stackable, however a texture with multiple plants in a row might be interesting.
    Concept pictures:

  • Hops plant
    - 4 growth stages
    - 2 blocks tall
    - texture should include some of the structure used to grow hops (cf. image)
    Concept images:

  • Corn plant
    - 2 growth stages, once without ripe corn, once with corn
    - 2 blocks tall
    - stackable for bigger fields


  • Tomato plant:
    - 4 growth stages
    - 2 blocks tall
    - texture should include supports for the plants to grow on (cf. images)
    - single plant per texture

  • Grape plants
    - 2 growth stages: first growth stage without grapes, second growth stage in 3 variants with once white (green), red and black grapes.
    - 2 blocks tall
    - should be stackable in rows (--> vineyards)
    Black grapes

    White grapes

    Red grapes
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The flower collection I am aiming at is a try to have each flower be rather close to it's vanilla counterpart, but is still mentioned explicitly or implicitly in the books. At a later stage even more flowers may join, if we start to make RP-specific plants.

  • Poppy:

  • Cornflower:

  • Camellia

  • Snapdragon

  • Blue / violet iris

  • Sunflower (Double plant)
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Small plants that can be found in forests, or are planted in flower pots or gardens.
Their size (especially height) can be clearly less than a full block high.
  • Athelas:

    I looked through the LotR searching for the terms athelas and kingsfoil, but except that it had long leaves, and the flowers are very beautiful compared to others there's no concrete statements about how the plant looks like.
  • Parsley

  • Thyme
  • Red Sorrel
Grass-like plants

Especially noteworthy in this section is, that most of the below are made out of multiple parts which can be seamlessly stacked ontop of each other so that the total height of the grass-plant can vary (especially interesting for swamps and similar). The bottom texture should be 2 blocks tall, while the lower half will be submerged in water. (If planted on land the lower half will not be visible)

  • Stackable Reeds
    - 1 bottom texture (2 blocks tall, lower block will be underwater)
    - 1 middle texture (seamlessly stackable onto the bottom and onto itself)
    - 1 top texture (seamlessly stackable onto the middle part)

  • Rushes
    - Textures similar to above

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We already have corn in the Eriador rp right?
Maybe we can have this very natural flower as well?
And the fern texture in Gondor, doesn't that represent tomatoes? Anyways, tomatoes weren't two meters tall in medieval times, in fact: the oldest herbarium tomato plant isn't even 1 meter tall.
And lastly, concerning the tea; tea was only mentioned to be drunk by Hobbits. Tea can only grow (excl. exceptions) in (sub)tropical climates. I don't think that the isolated Hobbits from the Shire imported their tea from Far-Harad (the only tropical climate I know of in Middle-earth). So I think they made their tea just with the nice herbs you mentioned above. Thx for reading
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Ma5 made an Athelas texture based on the picture, we had it in the Gondor pack until someone replaced it some versions ago.
Great, thanks for finding that again!

We already have corn in the Eriador rp right? And the fern texture in Gondor, doesn't that represent tomatoes? Anyways, tomatoes weren't two meters tall in medieval times, in fact: the oldest herbarium tomato plant isn't even 1 meter tall.
And lastly, concerning the tea; tea was only mentioned to be drunk by Hobbits. Tea can only grow (excl. exceptions) in (sub)tropical climates. I don't think that the isolated Hobbits from the Shire imported their tea from Far-Harad (the only tropical climate I know of in Middle-earth). So I think they made their tea just with the nice herbs you mentioned above. Thx for reading

Yeah we have a 16px corn plant already, but I think it'd be more important to have one without actual corn on it already (if the corn is ripe they'd harvest it)

Good find with the tomato, 1 block tall it is then! Also the Tomato texture that we currently have in my opinion is not very nice at all; in fact I asked myself for the past couple years what it actually depicts, and I also don't think it was even used very often because of that.

Oh true lol I totally forgot that bit of history that the British of course imported the tea! Agree with you on that, i'lle strike this idea for now :)
nonono! I too had that concern, @P1eter, but some quick googling yielded the result that certain parts of england are indeed suitable for tea. There is a plantation near cornwall, in fact. It is not widely cultivated, of course, and has only really been grown recently. I wouldn't make it a widespread crop in the Shire, though. It needs mild temperatures and lots of moisture (anyone more knowledgeable feel free to step in), so figure out whatever part of the shire best matches.
nonono! I too had that concern, @P1eter, but some quick googling yielded the result that certain parts of england are indeed suitable for tea. There is a plantation near cornwall, in fact. It is not widely cultivated, of course, and has only really been grown recently. I wouldn't make it a widespread crop in the Shire, though. It needs mild temperatures and lots of moisture (anyone more knowledgeable feel free to step in), so figure out whatever part of the shire best matches.
Ye I read that about Cornwall as well, but there we are speaking of a very rare exceptional place where it never freezes (not the case in the Shire), so they also have palm trees and other tropical plants there. And the tea there was imported from other countries mostly for fun.
Tried the Violet Iris, havent done textures in over a year. But i'll throw it out here
I love that texture but could you try to add a few more blossoms and leaves. I think it would look a bit sad to have only one blossom per square meter.
@Finrod_Amandil I would appreciate your feedback (since this is your project) on the each of the following textures designed by our ever lovely Mr @Ma5terMinD :

1) Iris:

2) Cornflower

3) Snapdragon

4) Rose Bush: I know it was not asked for but we need it regardless


5) Extra blue orchid: up to you what to do with this
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Thanks for these submissions, respectively for digging up @Ma5terMinD 's work again :D

@Wodleth I've loaded your flower into an RP and had a look at it ingame, and it was a bit as I feared: It just does not want to blend in the general picture of our current vegetation. I am no texturer myself (hence I ask for help), but here's my guess why I think it looks alien to the other plants:
- The blossom size is too big; while it's very nice that you can model this special flower in great detail I fear it just makes it become too big; all other's blossoms are quite a bit smaller and probably closer to a realistic size.
- The green tones of the leaves: Now, ofc course plants have different colors on their green parts as well, but somehow these colors just don't want to blend in. That is purely intuitive though.

@Fireinferno13 Recycling / Adjusting Ma5's textures sounds like a great idea actually :) For the iris it'd be good to have a violet one (with tendency to blue), the second one can work as cornflower I assume, but the blue should be a pretty bright, but slightly pale (light) blue. For the Snapdraon I'm mainly looking for a red variant (matching the vanilla flower), although I can very gladly add any variations in other shapes or colors!

@_Luk has created a set of 3 sunflowers, which I also already gave feedback on, but here agin just for completion:
-The green could be less yellowish
- It'd be nice to be able to use the special shape of the minecraft sunflower and have the blossom separate, and additionally a backside for the blossom.
@Wodleth I've loaded your flower into an RP and had a look at it ingame, and it was a bit as I feared: It just does not want to blend in the general picture of our current vegetation. I am no texturer myself (hence I ask for help), but here's my guess why I think it looks alien to the other plants:
- The blossom size is too big; while it's very nice that you can model this special flower in great detail I fear it just makes it become too big; all other's blossoms are quite a bit smaller and probably closer to a realistic size.
- The green tones of the leaves: Now, ofc course plants have different colors on their green parts as well, but somehow these colors just don't want to blend in. That is purely intuitive though.
I would say the blossom should be more slender. The leave too. Real iris are quite high and narrow plants. I would try to place more than one plant at one block.
The green tones of the leaves look weird as there are only 2-3 colors. Add a more smooth color gradient and do randomizing of colors and they will be good.
@Finrod_Amandil I would appreciate your feedback (since this is your project) on the each of the following textures designed by our ever lovely Mr @Ma5terMinD :

1) Iris:

2) Cornflower

3) Snapdragon
@Fireinferno13 Recycling / Adjusting Ma5's textures sounds like a great idea actually :) For the iris it'd be good to have a violet one (with tendency to blue), the second one can work as cornflower I assume, but the blue should be a pretty bright, but slightly pale (light) blue. For the Snapdraon I'm mainly looking for a red variant (matching the vanilla flower), although I can very gladly add any variations in other shapes or colors!
Updated my original post - converted the iris to purple, lightened the cornflower, and redesigned the snapdragon flowers/colors.

Let me know if this works for you fin.
Sorry I missed your last post @Fireinferno13 somehow.

The texures are very nice, but I think they don't fit well to the real plants:

I think the iris should have higher and more upright leaves.

For cornflowers stems branching a lot with many blossoms and leaves at different height levels are typical. At least for those wild cornflowers I know from the field around my home.
Not sure if that can be improved, but would be cool.

Anyway love the Snapdragon :)
Sorry I missed your last post @Fireinferno13 somehow.

The texures are very nice, but I think they don't fit well to the real plants:

I think the iris should have higher and more upright leaves.

For cornflowers stems branching a lot with many blossoms and leaves at different height levels are typical. At least for those wild cornflowers I know from the field around my home.
Not sure if that can be improved, but would be cool.

Anyway love the Snapdragon :)
Something like this for both?

EDIT: I assume a like from both of you = they are good to go, so @Finrod_Amandil feel free to upload these/mark them as done
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