• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

The First MCME Parody Karaoke Event


One Of Us, One of Us
Alright gents and lassies, I have had the idea to create a Middle Earth inspired karaoke event! Ultimately, this means changing the lyrics to popular songs to include LotR references or themes. I do not have an idea of when this event will occur, most likely a Friday or Saturday. However, I need your help!

I would like your suggestion for songs that I and others can change into LotR themes. Example: Hotline Bling, Don't Stop Believing. Please share your suggestions down below, and if you feel so inclined make your own parody and share it here. Of any and all community submitted parodies, I will put them into a vote, and will be included! Also, I will need someone to stream the background tracks for us to sing over in teamspeak, so if anyone would like to volunteer that would be awesome! If you are interested, please let it be known so we (I) can get some ideas flowing!

For song suggestions, use this prompt [Song Name - Artist]
Sounds ghastly o_O, yet at the same time it makes me wish so very much that my mic wasn't broken, so I could take part in the singing :(...
Well, should at least be fun to listen to! :)
Hey, so I know this is a repost of myself from last July, in the music thread, but I would love to hear this sung by people:

Let's walk in style, let's walk for a while
Magic carpet can wait, we're only passing the time
Hoping for the best but expecting the worst
Are you gonna ob us or not?

Give us a job or give us the freebuild
Don't tell the new guy what happens with slash-kill
Ignore the warp list, Rivendell's a short trip
Ranking up's for the sad men

Can you imagine when Rohan is done
Turn our endless bonemeal into the sun
Covering deserts, or grassing the plains
The server's led by the, the mad men

Forever droog, I want to be forever droog
Do you really want to dig forever, forever and ever?
Forever droog, I want to be forever droog
Do you really want to dig forever? Forever droog

Some are the build staff, some are the guides
Some are the officers and some are the kings
Sooner or later, they all will be gone
Why don't they stay droog?

It's so hard to feel alone like old members
I don't want a revamp like Bree built by players
Climb the Endless Stairs in Moria
And the Stairs are forever

So many adventurers are joining today
So many survivals that we cannot play
So many people who used to be blue
We're with them too

Forever droog, I want to be forever droog
Do you really want to dig forever, forever and ever?
Forever droog, I want to be forever droog
Do you really want to dig forever, forever and ever?

Forever droog, I want to be forever droog
Do you really want to dig forever?
I'm assuming these can be mcme-themed parodies, not just lotr.
So I'm thinking of having the event mid- February. Unless there is a conflict, that way people have time to make and submit their suggestions. Check back for more announcements soon.
It's fun to stay at the