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    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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The MCME Quiz Challenge #3!


Events Manager
Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s back for a third appearance! This time your team won’t get snuffed like the Staff Consultancy did. So out your hands together for the challenge that’ll test your mind, your mental strength, and your random knowledge about London’s unground transport system…


So you think you know the most random knowledge in the world huh? Well you better get your homies together for a 4-person battle to the death and show us what you know. And I don’t care what you say, you’re team will definitely not get snuffed like the Staff Consultancy did, trust me.

Now it should be known that I’m covering this post for Givet because he’s doing lord knows what in his life right now, so that this with a grain of salt. But according to last year’s show, I can only assume we’ll have these types of questions returning to the Stage:

- Picture Rounds
- Recorded matches
- More obscure questions (Remember, know your underground transport systems)

There is a lack of video game trivia and that ticks me off. Like who doesn’t want to be ask who wrote the main theme for Super Smash Brother Brawl back in 2008? For those wondering, it was Nobou Uematsu. Fun facts!

Now, for those who are unaware of how this all works, here are some RULES:

Stephen and Mortal will be the Quiz Masters, hosting the game and reading the questions! Two teams will compete in each match via live voice chat. Each match lasts about one hour, and consists of two parts: a Tolkien Lore Round and a General Knowledge Round, each with 10 Starter Questions. We'll be using an online buzzer system: it's easy to use and worked very well last year. When a Starter Question is read, all players will have 7 seconds to press the buzzer, and the first person to buzz in may answer the question. If that answer is incorrect, the other team's players get a chance to buzz in and answer. When a correct answer is given, the winning team gets 10 points and moves on to a Team Bonus Round, which consists of three Bonus Questions for 10 points each. In the Bonus Round, the team may discuss each question for 10 seconds before the Team Captain gives a final answer.

If you would like to compete please get together in a team of FOUR, no more no less, then reply to this thread using the FORMAT BELOW to sign up before the first match starts!


So that's pretty much it, the only thing left now is explaining the logistics:
The first round of matches will start on Thursday the 21st of July at 6pm UTC. Now like I said, I was talking with covering Givet here so I’m not sure about times, he’ll most likely cover that via the future forum post about all the events.

Please sign up as soon as you can. Entries submitted after the first match starts on the 21st of July will not count and will not be allowed to participate! Get your teams together as quick as you can!
Map’s Note: MAKE SOME DAMN GOOD TEAM NAMES!!! I don’t want some lazy crap like The Staff Consultancy or anything dumb like that ok? Jeez, people aren’t creative enough smh my head.

PLEASE NOTE that this Quiz Challenge is VOICE CHAT ONLY! Players who are not able to speak in voice chat will not be able to participate!

This is the tournament that's like no other! Mortal and Stephen will hope to see you there on 21st of July. May the best team win!

For any questions, please message Mortal, Stephen, or Givet :)
Half expected a TLDR at the end
I will say, this quiz is going to have the spiciest questions yet. I am taking great pleasure writing these questions whilst cackling to myself. Here’s a clue for all teams participating: Learn your Sanskrit alphabet
Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s back for a third appearance! This time your team won’t get snuffed like the Staff Consultancy did. So out your hands together for the challenge that’ll test your mind, your mental strength, and your random knowledge about London’s unground transport system…


So you think you know the most random knowledge in the world huh? Well you better get your homies together for a 4-person battle to the death and show us what you know. And I don’t care what you say, you’re team will definitely not get snuffed like the Staff Consultancy did, trust me.

Now it should be known that I’m covering this post for Givet because he’s doing lord knows what in his life right now, so that this with a grain of salt. But according to last year’s show, I can only assume we’ll have these types of questions returning to the Stage:

- Picture Rounds
- Recorded matches
- More obscure questions (Remember, know your underground transport systems)

There is a lack of video game trivia and that ticks me off. Like who doesn’t want to be ask who wrote the main theme for Super Smash Brother Brawl back in 2008? For those wondering, it was Nobou Uematsu. Fun facts!

Now, for those who are unaware of how this all works, here are some RULES:

Stephen and Mortal will be the Quiz Masters, hosting the game and reading the questions! Two teams will compete in each match via live voice chat. Each match lasts about one hour, and consists of two parts: a Tolkien Lore Round and a General Knowledge Round, each with 10 Starter Questions. We'll be using an online buzzer system: it's easy to use and worked very well last year. When a Starter Question is read, all players will have 7 seconds to press the buzzer, and the first person to buzz in may answer the question. If that answer is incorrect, the other team's players get a chance to buzz in and answer. When a correct answer is given, the winning team gets 10 points and moves on to a Team Bonus Round, which consists of three Bonus Questions for 10 points each. In the Bonus Round, the team may discuss each question for 10 seconds before the Team Captain gives a final answer.

If you would like to compete please get together in a team of FOUR, no more no less, then reply to this thread using the FORMAT BELOW to sign up before the first match starts!


So that's pretty much it, the only thing left now is explaining the logistics:
The first round of matches will start on Thursday the 21st of July at 6pm UTC. Now like I said, I was talking with covering Givet here so I’m not sure about times, he’ll most likely cover that via the future forum post about all the events.

Please sign up as soon as you can. Entries submitted after the first match starts on the 21st of July will not count and will not be allowed to participate! Get your teams together as quick as you can!
Map’s Note: MAKE SOME DAMN GOOD TEAM NAMES!!! I don’t want some lazy crap like The Staff Consultancy or anything dumb like that ok? Jeez, people aren’t creative enough smh my head.

PLEASE NOTE that this Quiz Challenge is VOICE CHAT ONLY! Players who are not able to speak in voice chat will not be able to participate!

This is the tournament that's like no other! Mortal and Stephen will hope to see you there on 21st of July. May the best team win!

For any questions, please message Mortal, Stephen, or Givet :)
TEAM NAME: Shire Scribes
MEMBERS OF TEAM: Mezza, FroggyFX, ponder421