• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

~The MCME Times~ #13/17

Opening statement

Good day! Welcome back to another Times with msaug. This week progress has been happening but has been a bit slow for Dol Amroth is still on hold and exams have been creeping around the corner for several of us (less than 8 days left TI). But this doesn't mean plugin progress has slowed down as quite a good bit of work has been done on them! Now, let's get on with this week's MCME news.
Project Progress

Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter

Only a little amount of work has been done in Andrast for Jacen and matt are studying for exams.
Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Darki

This week, Eriol continued with the terrain near Dol Amroth. There is still nice progress at Daddlio's terrain plotbuild which started near Linhir but draws near Ironmere now. Daddlio has also made several streams with the help of people in jobs.
Dol Amroth (On Hold) - Lead: @Thijs1801

Concepts have been built and plans are being made. The official plans will be released as soon as Finrod approves them, then the building will start. To see some of the concepts in game, do /warp DAConcepts
Lamedon (On Hold)

No changes this week with the project being on hold.
Mordor Terrain (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz

Now, I believe Tyran has completed the terrain for Mordor in World Machine. Tyran is now working on texturing the blocks for Mordor.​
Moria (In Progress) - Lead: @Despot666

Thomas has been ruing Ivan's hall in jobs still and it is going along nicely. Patrick has also been doing foreman duties in Moria and has been building and ruing more halls. Fireinferno has been working on his halls too and has finished a part of them. Ivan has also been building and ruining.
Tolfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz

On Tolfalas, a road has been made and some small farms outside the town has been made. Vegetation has been placed on the northern side of the island and on the small islands just off the north cast of Tolfalas. A beacon has also been built on one of these small islands.
Texture Development

No news this week.​

Plugin Development

Minigames plugin (Implemented) - Dev: @Eriol_Eandur and @KinkySauron

Eriol has made a minor update for the Minigames plugin so that the Hide and Seek game now works again. Sauron has also been thinking about the treasure hunt minigame idea.
Custom inventories / itemblocks (In progress) - Dev: @Eriol_Eandur

No news this week.
Architect Plugin (Implemented) - Dev: @Eriol_Eandur

Eriol has also updated the Architect plugin this week as well. Here is a short video explainin the new changes:
Any extra information ca be found in this post.

Guilds Plugin (In progress) - Dev: @KinkySauron

KinkySauron has been making an RPG for MCME and the Guilds Plugin will be used in it. I am not 100% sure what it is for so enlighten yourself with all the information about it in this thread:

Rank Updates

No rank updates this week.​

Media of the week
Here is a beautiful screenshot by @ryttyr of the Belfalas terrain and streams.


@Olwe, or Zack as he is otherwise known, is organising a great lore face off, where you can compete to win the honour of calling yourself the most knowledgeable lore geek of MCME. You will meet other contestants in one on one quizzes, until only one remains.
Currently more participants are required for this to be a real tournament so please sign up, or find more information, in this thread. The deadline for signups is the 10th of May, 11:59 pm EST.
WANTED: Short stories!
Mapthor has had his bookstore for a few weeks now but he has got very few stories in it. Mapthor needs your stories, so if you enjoy a bit of writing or even reading, here is more information about the bookstore and how to get your books in it:

@mapthor has been making a Bookstore in Bree with stories written by you in it. If you want another one of your stories in the store, then please write your story down and message it to Finrod! The length is pretty irrelevant, all it has to be is authentic. That especially means:
- No items that would not exist in Middle-earth.
- No MCME player names.
- No conflicts with the known storylines.
Themed Build
Theme: Stone Giants
Resource Pack: Eriador
Duration: 1 Week
Thread: Click Here
MCME Audiobook
The Audiobook, hosted by @TI_020601 is taking place regularly on Saturday evenings, 8:20pm BST, unless announced otherwise in this thread: The New Audio Book
Weekly Events
Each week, there is now a weekly event on the MCME Server. This is usually on a Saturday and before the Audiobook. The event cold be anything from tours, to jobs, to games. To find out the time, place, and what the next event is, check this thread: Weekly MCME Events
Closing statement

So, that is another week over and I hope you have all had a good time and hope a good week to come. Now, I shall leave you with this quote:

Herman Siu said:
It is better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.

. .

Like our Planetminecraft page daily to help promoting MCME!​
Here is the Times, sorry it isn't on the front page. @q220 would it be possible to make it show on the front page please.
Dol Amroth (On Hold) - Lead: @Thijs1801

Concepts have been built and plans are being made. The official plans will be released as soon as Finrod approves them, then the building will start. To see some of the concepts in game, do /warp DAConcepts

Concepts can also be seen at /warp DolAmrothMap
Wait, you decided to feature one of my crappy screenshots?
May I ask what made you choose this one in particular?
Wait, why that quote if I may ask @SmaugJuice
I had come across it the other day at school and I chose that quote simply because I liked it.

Wait, you decided to feature one of my crappy screenshots?
May I ask what made you choose this one in particular?
I was looking through some of the new screenshots for this week and I saw this one and I liked it. Just because it is not a great build, it captures the fine details in the streams and it shows the smoothness of the terrain.
I was looking through some of the new screenshots for this week and I saw this one and I liked it. Just because it is not a great build, it captures the fine details in the streams and it shows the smoothness of the terrain.
Well... it's not exactly from this week though. That picture may well be as old as a month by now.