It's Snowy Season!
As the year comes to a close, it's time to celebrate in style with the annual Winter Events!
We got a great lineup for you all with new events and returning classics
We got a great lineup for you all with new events and returning classics

Turn on that fireplace, grab some coco, and settle in as we go over this year's lineup:
~Snowball Fight~
Hosted by: @maski98
December 17th - 8pm UTC
Truly the most therapeutic event out of the bunch, let out your anger my throwing some snow at your friends... or enemies!
~Winter Spleef~
Hosted by: @maski98
December 18th - 7pm UTC
Maski has been so kind as to implement the wonderful game of Spleef onto the server.
I hope to see some Mineplex veterans come on and kick some ass alright?
~Winter Game Night~
Hosted by: @Stoog_Gaming
December 19th - 5pm UTC
Bringing back Board Game Club for the snowy season, Stoog will be hosting Blood on the Clocktower.
See a demo of the game here
~Lore Hour~
Hosted by: @TheStephen
December 21st - 7pm UTC
You're gonna learn today with MCME's resident professor!
While I'm not sure what he'll be talking about, I'm sure it will be very educational!
~Snowy Tolfalas Build Day~
Hosted by: @mapthor
December 22nd - 5pm UTC
Our wonderful Andrast lead Mattlego, and posthumously Soarz, were kind enough to craft a snowy version on Tolfalas for us this year.
Previous to Edoras a few years back, we'll be decorating this location will festive stalls, ice skating rinks, and more! All are welcome!
~Build Battles~
Hosted by: @Rudolphius
December 23rd - 7pm UTC
Rudo will be taking the lead of Build Battles this month with a fresh snowy theme.
Make sure to get their yearly to snag a plot!
~Christmas Movie Night~
Hosted by: @Chipped_Cherry
December 27th - TBD
As resident movie lover, I can attest that Cherry has some impeccable taste in films.
She'll be throwing on some wonderful Christmas stories for us all to bond over on the 27th.
Please stay tuned for the official time!
~Freestyle Race~
Hosted by: @Shirrgo
December 29th - 7pm UTC
After the wonderful Christmas dinner, all of us might need to lose a few pounds from the turkey

Thankfully, Shirrgo is looking out for our health and is hosting a Freestyle Race over Middle-Earth!
~Campfire Story Time~
Hosted by: @mapthor
December 30th - 9pm UTC
Keeping Soarz's tradition alive, we'll be sitting down with some blankets and hot coco, telling stories new and old.
Every had that perfect campfire tale to tell your friends? Now's the time to tell it!
~New Year's Celebration~
Hosted by: @mapthor
January 1st - 7pm UTC
The big one is here, and I don't just mean 2024.
The fourth, and final, addition to the annual Year in Review will be premiered as we bring in the New Year!
And, as always, seasonal events aren't complete without a few posters. Massive kudos to @aylalya, @Easy_Silas, @Pausi, and the entire group chat that handles that stuff for making some wonderful stuff!
And with that, the events are now official! Big thank you to everyone helping out in any regards so making this all happen. Managing is harder than you think kids and these guys make it much easier. Once again, and for the last time as your Events Manager, thank you

Hope to see you all there!
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