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To revamp or not to revamp, that is the question.


This thread, as can be read above, is about revamps, specifically if we should have them or not. I will go into the pros and cons of revamps and possible alternatives.

So lets start on clearing up on what revamps are. In short revamps are redo's of areas that have already been built, though there are different levels of this. A good example of the extreme cases of revamps is Dol Amroth, which has a complete redo of the terrain and city, lesser revamps include things such as the small villages in in Gondor, which have been removed and redone. (they are still a bit extreme, but let more of the original stay, the terrain)

Now that is cleared up lets talk about the pros of revamps. First of all the best thing is that the revamp makes a better version of the existing build, this of course is awesome, as better quality on the map is always welcome. Secondly it is a chance for us to create new and improved styles, this is cool as it will make us be better builders for next projects! Lastly it is good, as derpy terrain and derps in builds can be fixed. That means that one upgrade can last a while longer.

Now the cons of revamps. First of all there is the issue of progress. As we all know, when we are working on a revamp, there is no progress on new things, as old locations are being redone. This is a con because it negates one of the focuses of the server, making middle earth in its entirety. Secondly it is the loss of history, because most locations have a lot more nostalgia connected to them than can be expected. This won't matter to the new players, yet it does to the old members, when they see their buildings get destroyed and built different by new players.

That said, we can avoid energy sapping revamps with alternatives. The one that I favour is upgrading, this means that instead of redoing the entire area, terrain and building alike, you only add or slightly edit the buildings, a good example is the town that I am doing in Rohan. The town had wheat rooves and other slight derps, now it is fitted with more farms, nice roofs and soon is going to have some detail added to the streets. The other alternative is not doing them and finishing the map and only then, when the map is finished go back and fix the older builds, though I know you all will not like this alternative, as it means no own interpretation or version of cool locations.

Lastly I would like to bring attention to one more thing, what ever is chosen, please let everyone help, as MCME is a project for us all and by us all. Look how far we have come in all these years and see what we can do if we have more time, I am sure that we, as a community can achieve great things, as long as we work together.
This is a nice idea that I have heard many times in vc now and I always liked it, because I am one of these old players and I know that they gave their best back then, so we shouldn't destroy all their hard work. ;)
I like the idea of improving older builds to bring them up to speed with our current level of detail rather than destroying them to build something new. There's a lot of history to MCME and total revamps would delete a lot of that history and force it into mere memory and legend. So I would much rather improve on a build whilst paying respect to the original builder's designs than remove it and build it myself after my own ideas.
Original vs upgraded version of town

It always had been great, it just isn't at great as our newer stuff as we didn't have the resources we have now, stop being so rude about other peoples hard work
No, rohan was great when it was finished , but times change and things need to be updated, so Instead of making revamps main projects like DA make them side projects. where only a small number of people or jobs would work on the area while the main attention will be on the main projects like Mordor or Moria
No, rohan was great when it was finished , but times change and things need to be updated, so Instead of making revamps main projects like DA make them side projects. where only a small number of people or jobs would work on the area while the main attention will be on the main projects like Mordor or Moria
Technically Moria is also a revamp though ;)