• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Available Commands for Adventurers

Available Commands for Adventurers

Available commands for Adventurers
This is a WIP, if you see something missing, please let me know - 166 commands currently recorded
(I do not actively play on the server as much anymore so if you see any commands on here that have been removed or new ones that need adding, please send me a DM on discord with the command & what it does @gadget271#3468

Warp Commands
1) /warp <name> or /to <name>
This command will teleport you to the location you type in <name> section. A full list of warps can be found in command 2) or on the dynmap Minecraft Dynamic Map, You can also use /warp random which will take you to a random warp.

e.g. /warp hobbiton

2) /warp list <number>
This command will display all of the warps you can visit on the server. This is done by filling <number> with any number between 1 and the total number of pages. Warps are displayed alphabetically with a maximum of 9 warps per page.

e.g. /warp list 7

3) /library give Warps
This command will give you a book with clickable warps.

[Note: The name "Warps" is case sensitive]

4) /mvtp <place> or /mv tp <place>
This command will teleport you between the various worlds on the server. This is done by replacing the <place> section with one of the following world, moria, themedbuilds, plotworld, freebuild, pvp, plotsquared. You may need to use /fly after teleporting.

[Note: the freebuild world is only for commoner +]

e.g. /mvtp world

5) /back or /return
These commands will teleport you to your previous warp location.

6) /spawn
This command will teleport you to the spawn location in the main world. This command will not work in other worlds.

7) /mvspawn
This command works like /spawn except it works in any world. Hence, this command could be used in worlds such as oldworld or Themed-Builds etc...

8) /warp pcreate zzz<player><place>or /warp pset zzz<player><place>
This command is used to create a warp you and your friends can use. <place> should be filled with the chosen name for your warp. <player> should be filled with your name.

[Note: You can have a maximum of 10 private warps]

e.g. /warp pcreate zzzgadget271cool place

9) /warp invite <player> <place>
This command is used to add a list of players who can use your warp.

e.g. /warp invite Mandolore100 zzzgadget271cool place

10) /warp delete <place>
This command is used to remove a warp you have created with pcreate.

e.g. /warp delete zzz-gadget271-cool place

11) /warp list -c <playername>
This will show all player made commands. <playername> should be filled with your Minecraft name.

12) /warp list -w <world>
This command will show you all warps for the specified world. <world> can be filled with world, moria, themedbuilds, freebuild, plotworld.

e.g. /warp list -w moria

Home Commands
13) /createhome or /sethome
These commands create a personal home warp for the player.

14) /home
This command is used to teleport to your personal home warp.

15) /rmhome home
This command is used to remove your home.

Teleport Commands
16) /call <name> or /tpa <name>
Both of these commands do exactly the same thing. They both send a request to teleport to a player. This request must be accepted by recipient for teleport to be completed.

e.g. /call gadget271 or /tpa gadget271

17) /tpahere <name>
This command is used to send a request to someone for them to be teleported to you.

e.g. /tpahere gadget271

18) /tpaccept
This command is used to accept a teleport request such as /call, /tpa, /tpahere.

19) /tpdeny
This command is used to deny a teleport request such as /call, /tpa, /tpahere.

Chat Commands

20) /ch <channel> <optional message>
This command will change your active chat channel. You can use the following:

  • g = global or use /g
  • l = local or use /l
  • h = help or use /h
  • role = roleplay or use /role
e.g. /ch g

If you include a sentence in <optional messages> it will not change your active chat channel just the sentence included in that line.

e.g. /h How do I fly?

You can also use this to display commands without them executing. e.g. /g /warp hobbiton
This will display /warp hobbiton in the global chat without actually warping you. Similar can be done in other chat channels.

21) /leave <channel>
This command is used to leave a channel, meaning you will not see messages from that channel. Use the channel names mentioned previously.

e.g. /leave role

22) /join <channel>
This command is used to rejoin a channel you have previously left meaning you will now see messages from that channel in your chat log. When you join a channel, this also sets it as you active talking channel.

e.g. /join h

23) /chatinfo
This command will list all the chat channels you are currently listening to.

24) /chwho <channel>
This command will show you all online players that currently have the selected channel appearing in their chat log.

e.g. /chwho role

25) /chlist
This command will list all available chat channels.

Messaging Commands
26) /msg <player> <message>
/whisper <player> <message>
/w <player> <message>
/tell <player> <message>

/pm <player> <message>
These commands will send a private message to a player.

e.g. /msg thomasd20 hey tom, how are you doing?

27) /r <message>
This command is used to reply to a private message. It does not matter whether you started the private message or if the other person did, it can still be used once the initial /msg is used by someone.

e.g. /r yeh, I am also good, want to do a themed build?

Helper commands
28) /helper <name> or /help <name>
The helper commands provide useful links to various pages on the website. If <name> is blank the list of helper commands is shown, this is bug, fly, discord, forums, guide, map, rules, servers, textures, commands, times.

e.g. /helper map

Job Commands
29) /job
This command will display all job commands you may be able to use. (There are some you can't use!)

30) /job check
This command will tell you if there are any jobs currently running.

31) /job join <jobname>
This command will join you to the job that you insert into jobname. Only jobs currently running will work. Generally you will need to be on Discord to be allowed to take part in the job. More info on that here

e.g. /job join glaciers5

Tour Commands
32) /tour help
This command displays all of the tour commands.

33) /tour
This command will display any tours which are running as well as any online guides.

34) /tour request
This command will send a alert that you request a tour.

35) /tour join <guide name>
This command will allow you to join an active tour. You must enter the name of the guide who is running the tour.

e.g. /tour join Artie_

36) /tour leave
This command will remove you from current tour.

37) /tourtp or /ttp
These commands will teleport you to the guide hosting the tour.

38) /tour chat
This command will switch your chat mode between global & tour chat, by default this will be in tour chat if you have joined a tour.

Themed Build Commands
39) /theme
This command will claim a plot for you to build in the current themed build. Players can only have one plot per themed build. For information on the current themed build you can go here.

40) /theme help
This command will display all /theme related commands.

41) /theme toplot
This command will teleport you to your directly themed build if you have claimed one in the current themed build.

42) /theme warp
This command will teleport you to the to the main themed build center. This is on the main pathway running through all themes. (Not your personal themed build!)

43) /theme resetplot
This command will remove any building you have done in your plot. You must be standing in the plot for this to work!

Plotbuild Commands
44) /plot claim
When standing inside an unclaimed plot, claims the plot. This gives build permissions inside the plot and displays the player name on a sign at the plot. Can not be used when the plotbuild is private.

45) /plot warp <plotbuild> [#]
Teleports you to a plotbuild or a specific plot number of that plotbuild.

46) /plot list <plotbuild> [#]
Without a specified plotbuild lists all running Plotbuilds along with number of free plots. Click at the plotbuilds to get a list of all plots there.

47) /plot info
When inside a plot displays a link to the forum post with build instructions. Shows also a list of staff members of the plotbuild.

48) /plot invite <player>
When inside a plot and user is builder of that plot, adds player to the building team of the plot. Both players then can build inside that plot. Sign is updated with all player names. Maximum of players in a building team is 8. After that every player of the building team can invite other players.

e.g. /plot invite Eriol_Eandur

49) /plot leave
When standing inside a plot and plot is owned by multiple players, leaves the building team, which would then allow the leaving player to claim another plot. If plot is owned by only one player, command fails and suggests to use /plot unclaim instead.

50) /plot finish
When inside a plot and user is builder of the plot, the plot is marked as being finished / ready for check and notifies staffs of the plotbuild. It is required to mark a plot as finished before it is possible to claim another plot.

51) /plot unclaim
When inside a plot and user is the only builder of the plot, unclaims and resets plot. For resetting see notes on /plot clear.

52) /plot help <command>
Shows a usage description for [command]. If [command] is not specified a list of short descriptions for all plotbuild commands are shown.

Resource Commands
[Note: Some of these commands are unlikely to be needed anymore due to creative mode being used during jobs]

/kit <name>
You can fill the <name> section with tools, color, dtools, notch, firework.

  • If you use tools, the tools you will receive are a golden shovel (unbreaking III), a golden pickaxe, a golden axe and a flint. The flint is used for picking blocks by right clicking with it on the block you want to select.
  • If you use color, this will give you the Book o Colors. This contains the ingame color codes.
  • If you use dtools, it will give you a diamond pick, shovel, axe & helmet.
  • If you use notch, this will give you a Notch head.
  • If you use firework, it will give you the following fireworks (1x Angry Creeper, 1x Starry Night, 2x Solar Wind) [The fireworks will disappear unless you have the firework donor perk]
  • If you leave the word <name> blank it will display the list of words you can insert into <name>
e.g. /kit tools

54) /more
This command is used to give you a full stack of an item. This is done by selecting the item
you want in your hotbar then type /more.

55) /chead list
This command gives you a list of all available heads you have access to. You can click on each category in the list to see subcategories. This will give you the command to get a head. Alternatively, you can use the next command as well.

56) /inv h
This command will give you access to all custom heads available. Similarly to /chead list. Though this is in a nicer GUI. This is not region based so will be the same anywhere.

57) /inv b rp:g / d / m
This command is used to access a lot of the custom textures you can use on the server when building. you can pick either h/d e.g. /inv b rp:h to specify a specific region
h = human
d = moria

If you just do /inv b this will open the custom block inventory for the rp-region you are in.

Get Commands (Similar to Resource Commands)
58) /get help
This command will provide you all available get commands (Some are not open to adventurers)

59) /get <name>
This command can give you a variety of resources. This is done by replacing <name> with one of the following.

/get doors will give you 64 wooden half doors and 64 iron half doors.
/get furnaces will give you 64 lit furnaces.
/get mushrooms will give you 64 mushroom blocks from a large brown mushroom.
/get plants will give you 64 of different types of plants you can place.
/get misc will give you 64 of various blocks, these are all themed around
home furnishings
/get tools will give you access to the tools kit e.g. inv b, head list etc.

60) /get armor <hexadecimal code>
This will give you a full set of leather armour in the colour specified. For colour codes you can use W3 schools HTML Color Picker, When you pick a colour, use the code next to the #

e.g. /get armor 311ee1

61) /get list
This command will show you the list of all public item sets.

Minigame Commands
62) /game check
This command will tell you if there are any minigames currently running.

63) /game join <gamename>
This will join you to a running game.

e.g. /game join FunGame

64) /game leave
This command can be used if you want to leave a game.

65) /gc <message>
Sends a message to all players on the server except those who switched off game chat.

66) /gc !off
Switches receiving game chat messages off.

67) /gc !on
Switches receiving game chat messages on.

68) /game help [general | hide | race | quiz] [#page]
Shows a list of commands of the plugin. Hover the cursor on a command to get detailed help. With argument general, hide, race or quiz shows only general or game related commands.

69) /game showCategories
Shows a list of all quiz question categories.

70) /game info
Shows information about the game including a list of players who are currently in the game.

71) /game spectate <game> [!off]
Enables spectating for a player. This is showing the scoreboard of a game to a player who is not in the game. Should be useful for public races. Option !off ends spectating.

72) /game warp <game> [start|finish|#checkpoint#]
Teleports a player to the game location. For race games there are the options start|finish|#checkpoint#. For example “/warp gamename 4” will teleport a player to the checkpoint 4 of the game.

PvP Commands
73) /pvp join <StaffMember>
This command is used to join a game of pvp when a staff member hosts one. Your name will go green when you press tab if it worked. You will then need to wait for the game to start. <StaffMember> should be filled with the name of the staff member who starts the pvp game.

e.g. /pvp join Finrod_Amandil

74) /pvp leave
This command will remove you from the pvp game you are in. Currently you must type this after a game finishes or before joining a new one even if you log off and on.

Banner Commands
75) /banner
This command will display the current mode the banner editor is in.

76) /banner help
This command will give you an overview of the following commands.

77) /banner add or /banner a
This command will add a pattern to your banner, by default this is a white circle. For this to work you must right click the banner with a stick. Each pattern you add is assigned a pattern id starting at 1. You can have a maximum of 20 patterns per banner.

78) /banner texture <pattern id> or /banner t <pattern id>
This is used to change the pattern you have added to your banner using the previous command. The <pattern id> refers to the pattern you want to edit. e.g. if it is the first one you added it will be 1. You can cycle through the patterns by right clicking the banner with a stick.

e.g. /banner texture 3

79) /banner color <pattern id> or /banner c <pattern id>
This will change the colour of the selected pattern id. You can right click the banner with a stick to cycle through the colours.

e.g. /banner color 2

If you want to change the banner background colour use:
/banner color 0

80) /banner remove <pattern id> or /banner r <pattern id>
This will remove the selected pattern id from a banner, after using the command right click the banner with a stick to activate it.

e.g. /banner remove 6

81) /banner list or /banner l
This command will list all patterns and colours you currently have on a banner along with the pattern id for each one. Right click a banner after this command to activate it.

82) /banner shield or /banner s
This command will give you a shield with the same design as the banner you clicked on. Right click a banner with a stick to receive the shield.

83) /banner get or /banner g
This command will give you 16 of the banner you right clicked on. Right click a banner with a stick to activate it.

84) /banner Files
This command will show you the list of saved banners, you can then click them to spawn them in. This will spawn in 16 of the selected banner. There are also various subcategories you can select e.g. <country>

85) /banner load <banner name>
This command is used to load saved banners from the previous command. This will spawn in 16 of the selected banner.

e.g. /banner load Gondor_1

Armour Stand Commands
86) /armor
This command will display the current mode the armour stand editor is in.

87) /armor help
This command will give you an overview of the following commands.

88) /armor h
This command will place an item in the right hand of the armour stand. After using this command right click the armour stand with the item you want it to hold. right click with an empty hand to remove it.

89) /armor parts
This command will list the acronyms for different body parts (This is useful later when moving parts) The parts are as follows:

  • h = head
  • la = left arm
  • ra = right arm
  • ll = left leg
  • rl = right leg
  • b = body
90) /armor +
This command is used to increase the steps used for moving / rotating parts of an armour stand. By default this is set to 10. (The maximum is 360)

91) /armor -
This command is used to decrease the steps used for moving / rotating parts of an armour stand. By default this is set to 10. (The minimum is 1)

92) /armor default
This command is used to reset the steps used for moving / rotating parts of an armour stand back to 10.

93) /armor <number>
This command allows you to set a custom step number used for moving / rotating parts of an armour stand. This can be anything from 1 - 360.

94) /armor mx
This command will move the armour stand along the X axis, right click with a stick to increase its X position, or left click to decrease it.

95) /armor my
This command will move the armour stand along the Y axis, right click with a stick to increase its Y position, or left click to decrease it. (This will only increase the Y if gravity is disabled on the armour stand)

96) /armor mz
This command will move the armour stand along the Z axis, right click with a stick to increase its Z position, or left click to decrease it.

97) /armor mo
This command will move the armour stand either left or right based on the direction you are facing it (This means that it can only be used for the X / Z axis not Y). Left click with a stick to move the stand right, right click to go left.

98) /armor t
This command will turn the armour stand around, Left click with a stick to go anti-clockwise. Right click to go clockwise.

99) /armor x <part>
This command will rotate the selected part along the X axis. Right click with a stick to go one way, left click for the other direction. <part> can be any of the body parts mentioned previously.

e.g. /armor x rl

100) /armor y <part>
This command will rotate the selected part along the Y axis. Right click with a stick to go one way, left click for the other direction. <part> can be any of the body parts mentioned previously.

e.g. /armor y la

101) /armor z <part>
This command will rotate the selected part along the Z axis. Right click with a stick to go one way, left click for the other direction. <part> can be any of the body parts mentioned previously.

e.g. /armor z b

102) /armor r <part>
This command will rotate the selected part along around your line of sight. Right click with a stick to go one way, left click for the other direction. <part> can be any of the body parts mentioned previously.

e.g. /armor ra

103) /armor s
This command change the size of the armour stand between an adult size and child size. Right click the armour stand with a stick for this to take affect.

104) /armor v
This command will toggle the armour stand frame from visible to invisible. Right click the armour stand with a stick for this to take affect.

105) /armor g
This command will disable gravity on the armour stand, meaning it will no longer fall when blocks below are removed. Right click the armour stand with a stick for this to take affect.

106) /armor a
This command will add / remove the arms on an armour stand. Right click the armour stand with a stick for this to take affect.

107) /armor b
This command will toggle the armour stand base from visible to invisible. Right click the armour stand with a stick for this to take affect.

108) /armor c
This command will copy the position / clothing on an armour stand. Right click the armour stand with a stick for this to take affect. This command can be used in conjunction with the next command.

109) /armor p
This command will paste a previously copied armour stand. Right click on the ground with a stick for this to take affect. This command can be used in conjunction with the previous command. By default this will be a regular empty armour stand.

110) /armor l
This command will lock / unlock an armour stand. This can be used to prevent you accidentally editing an armour stand. Right click the armour stand with a stick for this to take affect.

111) /armor clear
This command remove a copied armour stand from the clipboard.

112) /armor files
This command will show the list of saved armour stands, these can be spawned in by clicking their name then right clicking the ground with a stick.

Donor Commands

113) /donate
This command will give you the link for donating towards the server. (This will unlock the following commands depending on the value)

114) /perk ring
This command will give you the one ring, right click to use it. (You must have donated $50+ in order to have access to this.)

115) /perk light
This command will give you a light above your head that follows you, use the same command to remove it. (You must have donated $50+ in order to have access to this.)

116) /perk fire
This will make your character walk around in flames. (You must have donated $50+ in order to have access to this.)

117) /perk horse <colour> <pattern>
This will give you a mount you ride on. Under <colour> you can use either (black, brown, creamy, dark_brown, gray). For <pattern> you can use (black_dots, white, white_dots, whitefield). (You must have donated $50+ in order to have access to this.)

e.g. /perk horse white black_dots

118) /perk firework
This will spawn a firework. (You must have donated $70+ in order to have access to this.)

119) /perk elytra
This command will give you an Elytra. (You must have donated $100+ in order to have access to this.)

120) /perk compass
This command will give you a compass directing you to spawn.

121) /perk parrot
This command will give you a parrot on your shoulder. (You must have donated $70+ in order to have access to this.)

122) /perk boat
This command will put you inside of a boat (other players cannot also get in). You can also add the work "acacia" after boat to get a green boat.
123) /perk pet <action> <name> <type>
If you type nothing after "pet" this will display information about the perk. For <action> you can use (dog, cat, dismiss). <name> is up to you to decide. <type> is just for cats and you can use (all_black british_shorthair, calico, jellie, persian, ragdoll, red, siamese, tabby, black, white). When dismissing pets, all will be dismissed if you do not specify the name. (You must have donated $70+ in order to have access to this.)

e.g. /perk pet cat Dave tabby
e.g. /perk pet dog Layla
e.g. /perk pet dismiss Dave

Discord Related Commands
124) /discord
This will provide you with a link you can click to join our discord.

125) /discord link
This command is used to link your discord to minecraft (It basically just gives you your ranks in discord). When using this it will also link your forums account therefore displaying your rank on the forums as well.

126) /discord linked
This command clarify which discord account you are linked to.

127) /discord ?
This command will list all discord related commands.

Miscellaneous Commands
128) /pweather <weather>
This command will change a single players weather. The words to replace <weather> are
clear, downfall, server.

/pweather copy allow | deny
This command allows or denys other players to copy your weather setting.

/pweather copy <player>
Copy weather settings of another player.

129) /ptime <time>
This command will change a single players time. The words to replace <time> are
dawn, sunrise, day, noon, sunset, dusk, night, midnight, server

e.g. /ptime dawn
If you want you can also include a specific time or amount of game ticks or any time of day
e.g. /ptime 1800 (Sets daytime to 1800 server ticks after 6:00 am)
e.g. /ptime 8:00 (Sets daytime to 8:00 am)

/ptime cycle on | off
This command enables or disabled daytime cycle.
/ptime warp <factor>
This command speeds up your daytime cycle by <factor>.
/ptime copy allow | deny
This command allows or denys other players to copy your time setting.

/ptime copy <player>
Copy time settings of another player.

130) /fbt
This command gives the player unlimited night-vision, the same command is used to disable it.

131) /afk
This command sets your status as afk. Walking or typing anything else will disable it.

132) /report <message>
This command can be used to report any players you believe are breaking the rules. It is recommended that you still take screenshots as these can aid a moderator if required.

133) /depth
This command will tell you how many blocks above / below sea level you are.

134) /fly
This command enables flight mode, the same is used to disable it.

135) /flyspeed <number> or /speed <number>
This command alters the fly speed based on the speed entered, for <number> use numbers 1 - 10.

[Note: the fly speed commands are only for commoner +]

This command helps when you are stuck in terrain. Hopefully this will un-stick you. If this command does not work you can try warping to another location.

137) /clean
This command clear your whole inventory.

138) /architect help
Receive additional options / help with the architect plugin. This includes /fbt, rp, get etc.

139) /rp help
This will give extra information in the commands that can be used when using /rp.

140) /rp <letter>
In order to use this command Server textures must be enabled. <letter> is filled with the beginning letter of a resource pack. You can also use -force on the end if it is not changing correctly. you can use the following letters:

  • h = Human
  • l = Lothlorien
  • r = Rohan
  • d = Moria (Dwarven)
  • m = Mordor
  • v = vanilla
  • p = paths of the dead
  • variant footprints = glowing footprints
  • reset = server textures for your current region
e.g. /rp r

141) /rp check
This will display the resource pack required for the area you are currently in.

142) /rp auto <on/off>
This will display or enable the automatic rp changing between regions.

143) /ping
This will respond in chat with "pong" you can use this to test your connection, e.g. to make sure the reply comes through instantly.

144) /sign <Number> <message>
This command is used for editing a sign. In order to use it you must right click a sign with a stick. You can then click the line to edit which will give you the command. You can change which line you are editing using numbers 1 - 4.

e.g. /sign 3 text on sign

145) /nophy list <world>
This command will show the list of block ids for which physics events are disabled. Under <world> you can either include a world name e.g. world, Themed-Builds, oldworld etc. or instead use -all to list all worlds.

146) /guidebook <on/off>
This command will disable / enable the guidebook. If enabled this will give you information / lore about your current location in the chat log. By default this is enabled.

147) /audio
This command will give you the link for the audio client to play themed music around the world.

148) /vote score
This command will show you how close you are towards getting commoner - this is based on votes from artists / guides or above (You need 10 to become commoner).

149) /videoteam
This command will allow players overhead names to become invisible for screenshots. You will need to press F1 or your allocated button to hide the UI first.

Ranked Commands (Links)

150) Moderator Manual

151) Designer Manual

152) Foreman Manual

153) Artist Manual

154) Guide Manual

Plugin Commands (Links)

155) Voxel Sniper

156) Project Plugin

157) Environment Plugin

158) Animation Plugin

159) Architect Manual

160) Music Regions

161) Plotsquared Guide

162) Minigames Manual

163) Scripts

164) Entities

165) PVP Server Manual

166) Guidebook Plugin
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Update

    Added: /donate /videoteam

Latest reviews

This list is fantastic! Really useful beyond the basics of the new player guide
Useful when I was adventurer, still useful as commoner
An bsolutely amazing, and much needed resource. Thank you for making and especially for maintaining it to be as up to date as possible.
Works perfectly, I love how it is organized so well.