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Designer Manual

Designer Manual


Designer Manual
This Guide offers a thorough overview of all aspects of the Designer rank every Designer on MCME should know of. If you just got promoted to Designer, or are only considering to head for this rank, this document will answer you most questions you may have about this rank.

General things about staff ranks

Along with Enforcer and Head Designer / Head Enforcer Designer is a staff rank. All of these share several aspects:
  • Server Representatives: Staff ranks represent the server much more than non-staff ranks do. The actions, both the good and the bad will reflect on the image of the entire server, and therefore it is more important than ever to be aware of the scope of the rank one has and behave accordingly. Other players may look up to you and you may be an idol for them. Immaturity is something that has no place among staff members.
  • Leadership Personality: As staff member you have proven that you can lead other players in a fair and appropriate manner in the interests of the server. As staff member you generally can expect that non-staff members follow your instructions and commands. It is important to be aware of that and to always clearly distinguish between jokes and serious orders.
  • Influencing the server future: Even though everyone can voice suggestions, as staff member you will gain access to the Staff Forums and will participate in Staff meetings. In both places topics may be discussed that remarkably influence the server, and your word may cause great changes. Again use that privilege carefully, but DO use it to make the server become an ever better place!

Leading Projects

The main task of a Designer is leading projects. This can include the following things:
  • Get a project: Basically you are pretty free when it comes to choosing a project to work on, you usually have two options:
    - Starting a new project:
    1. Ask the Head Designer (PM / ingame) whether it is generally okay to start this project. You don't need to develop plans yet.
    2. If you get green light, start planning (see below). The project may be bound to certain orders which have to be followed, e.g. that most of the building has to be executed through jobs (and not through Artist hands for example).
    3. Present your plans in the staff project forums so that the Head Designer and other Designers can voice suggestions and concerns. Do not start terraforming or building without having published your plans and intentions before.
    4. Project leaders are bound to inform the Head Designer and the community about the project progress whenever any is made. The progress can be collected in a post covering multiple work days, however, if changes have been made, at least one update per week is required.
      Community members (staff and non-staff alike) are not bound to do this, unless the project leader tells the project helpers to sum up their progress explicitly. If the project workers do not provide any updates the project leader is responsible that he also covers the work done by the other workers when submitting his update post.
      As main channel for project updates the respective text channel on Discord should be used. Alternatively a post in a public Project Forum can be made.
  • Join an ongoing project:
    • Ask the project leader(s) whether they still require additional workforce and let yourself instruct by them about what to do. You don't require the okay of the Head Designer to join an ongoing project.
  • Planning: Look up the lore on the location and develop a layout (map), concepts and build styles upon it. Real life locations may too be used as inspiration. Planning also may include development / organisation of new textures that are needed for the project.
  • Terraforming: Almost every project includes a certain amount of terrain adjustments. Hence good skills in Voxelsniper, the plugin that is used for terraforming tasks, is vital in the list of skills a Designer possesses. Do not hesitate to ask other Designers for tips and tricks!
  • Hosting Jobs and Plotbuilds: The Designers are not intended to execute the entire project by themselves, much more they should offer as much as possible of that to Artists and Adventurers. The tools to grant the latter the possibility to participate in the construction lie within jobs and plotbuilds. Jobs are occasions where the Designer directly instructs and supervises a number of Adventurers+ in the completion of a task of easy to medium difficulty. More complicated jobs should be executed with the help of Teamspeak, to reduce the amount of time needed for typing out the instructions. Therefore Designers need to be up for using Teamspeak once it is needed.
    Plotbuilds take place in Plotworld. The Designer needs to supply the community with the necessary information through a Forum post and should lay out plots that can be claimed and contain the necessary preparation like house outlines or similar.
  • Building: At last a Designer can claim the right to build iconic and/or interesting parts of the project by himself. Especially for iconic buildings however the better option may be a Contest on plotworld to get the best possible result.

Designers get access to the following new commands:

  • /a <message>: Staff chat.

Getting around:
  • /tp <player1> [player2]: Teleports you to <player1>, or if two players are specified, teleports <player1> to <player2>.
  • /tppos <x> <y> <z>: Teleports you to the location with coordinates x,y,z. Use dynmap to aquire the coordinates.
  • /thru: When looking at a thinner wall, ceiling or floor, this command will teleport you through it.
  • /jump: Teleports you to the block you aim at.
  • /ascend: If there are any non-air blocks above you, this will teleport you ontop of the next higher solid block a player can stand on. (short: /asc)
  • /descend: If there are any non-air blocks a player can stand on without suffocating, this command will teleport you to the next lower location matching these criteria. (short: /desc)
  • /ceil: When in an underground space, teleports you to the ceiling and places a glass block below you.

WorldEdit and schematics:
Most world edit commands require a cuboid selection first. Selections are made using the wooden axe, right click sets the first corner and left click the second corner. Alternatively the commands //pos1 and //pos2 can be used (this way they set the points to the current position of the player) or //pos1 x,y,z and //pos2 x,y,z which can be used to set the corners to inaccessible points (e.g. underground).
The selection can be cleared with //desel.
Warning: Too big selections (> 1'000'000 blocks) may cause the server to crash! Objects which will cause a lot of lighting updates may already cause trouble with a lot smaller selections. Copy large things in multiple parts!
  • //undo: Undoes the last action.
  • //copy: Copies the selection to the clipboard.
  • //cut: Saves the selection to the clipboard and then removes it from the map.
  • //paste: Pastes the clipboard. The position where it is pasted depends on where the //copy command was used.
    //paste -a: Pastes the clipboard without the air blocks. Advisable to use for big selections.
  • //set <block>: Sets all blocks within the selection to <block>. block can be the name (e.g. stone) or the ID (e.g. 35). Data values can be given in both situations using stone:3 resp. 35:12 for the block argument. (e.g. //set wool:14 or //set 35:14 will set the selected blocks to red wool).
  • //replace <block1> <block2>: Replaces all of <block1> within the selection with <block2>.
  • //move <distance>: Moves the selection <distance> blocks into the direction you are facing (north, south, west, east, up, down).
  • //rotate <angle>: Rotates the clipboard clockwise. <angle> has to be 90, 180 or 270.
  • //flip: Flips the clipboard at a plane. The way it is flipped depends in which direction you look (north/south, west/east, upside down)
  • //hcyl <block> <radius> [height]: Creates a hollow cylinder out of <block> with <radius>, if [height] is not specified it will generate a circle (height = 1). Center of the cylinder is your position.
    //hcyl <block> <radius1>,<radius2> [height]: Creates an elliptical cylinder out of <block> with radii <radius1> and <radius2> and <height>.
    //cyl: Analogical to //hcyl, but not hollow.
  • //hsphere <block> <radius>: Creates a hollow sphere out of <block> and size <radius>.
    //sphere: Analogical to //hsphere, but not hollow.
  • //line <block> [thickness]: Connects the two selection points with a line of the specified material.
  • //stack <amount>: Stacks the selection <amount> times into the direction the user faces.
  • //fixwater <radius>: Fixes flowing water rivers and lakes within <radius>.
  • //setbiome <biome>: Sets the biome of the selected area.
  • //center <block>: Places one of <block> at the center of the selection.
  • //count <block>: Counts how many of <block> are inside the selected region.
  • //calc <expression>: calculates the result of <expression>, e.g //calc 24*(63-22)
  • //size: Displays specifications of selection.
  • /farwand: Binds the Farwand tool to the currently held item. With this tool you can select regions from far away similar to Voxel. Can be disabled with /none.

  • /schem list: Lists all available schematics.
    /schem load <filename>: Loads schematic <name> into the clipboard. can then be pasted, flipped, rotated...
    /schem save <filename>: Saves your clipboard as schematic (IMPORTANT: Don't forget //copy before!)

Voxelsniper and Stencil Lists:

Refer to this: Voxel Reference & Tutorials | Minecraft Middle Earth

Other commands related to building:
  • /give <player> <item>: Gives <player> <item>. E.g. /give Finrod_Amandil 175:2 gives player Finrod_Amandil a stack of Double Tall Grass (ID 175, data value 2). Alias /i.
  • /get head <player>: Gives you the head of <player>. There are some playerheads that depict useful things. (Also remember the commands /get logs and others that are already accessible by lower ranks)
  • /stoplag: Disables various mechanics on the server, especially water flow, hence it is useful to drain large bodies of water. Always reset stoplag using /stoplag -c as it also disables the redstone in the New Player World!
  • /searchitem <term>: Can be used to find names or IDs of items, <term> can be any search term, e.g. /searchitem gold.
  • /biomelist [page]: Lists all biomes by the names they need to be used with in WE and Voxel commands. Note that many biomes do not differ from each other in effects on the blocks.
  • /cycler: Adds the cycler tool to the selected item. The tool can be used with right click to cycle blocks through their data values, e.g. wool colors, stair orientations... The tool can be disabled with /none.
  • /craft: Opens the workbench GUI and allows crafting. Alias /wb.
  • /recipe <item> [number]: Displays the crafting recipe for <item>. If multiple recipes are available, [number] serves to cycle through these.

  • /dynmap radiusrender <radius>: Renders the dynmap in an area <radius> blocks around you. Note that values higher than 1000 may take a while until it's completely rendered. This command can be used to push changes to the map caused by voxel or WorldEdit as these do not trigger the automatic updating of dynmap.
  • /bf worlds: Lists the names of all available worlds.
  • /list: Lists all players that are online. Alias /online.
  • /get armor #: Gives you dyed leather armor. # is a HEX code for the color.
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Very useful list of commands.
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