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Modding Guide for MC 1.12.: Optifine, Journeymap, Multi-Hotbar

This tutorial covers:
  • Forge (Minecraft 1.12)
    • Optifine 1.12_HD_U_C4 (HD Ultra with Shaders Mod): Offers more graphics settings, improves performance, and includes the Shaders Mod for scenic lighting for screenshots.
    • Journeymap 1.12-5.4.9: A very appealing and flexible mapping tool with a large full map and a minimap.
    • Multi-Hotbar 1.12-3.0-build-T62: Allows to have more than one hotbar / 9 slots bei visible, which means you can use more different blocks at once.
  • Incrase allocated RAM for better performance

Step 1: Download required files

Download the files from the list below and save them to your desktop. If any of the links is broken, google will help you find what you're looking for usually. However, be aware that the compatibilities are sometimes very delicate! Try to find a releases' changelog or release notes which usually says which requirements have to be met:


Do exactly use the versions mentioned below, compatibility is not granted else!

- Forge Minecraft Forge
- OptiFine 1.12-HD_U_C4: OptiFine Downloads
- Journeymap 1.12-5.4.9: Download - JourneyMap for Minecraft
- Multi-Hotbar 1.12-3.0-build-T62: Files - Multi-Hotbar - Mods - Projects - Minecraft CurseForge

Step 2: Install Forge
  1. Launch the Forge Installer.
  2. Select "Install client" (default)
  3. A window should pop up saying you that it successfully added forge to the launcher. Remember the 'version' that is being mentioned:
  4. Start the Minecraft Launcher.
  5. Go to "Launch options" and click "Add new".
  6. Give the profile a matching name, i.e. "1.12 [Forge|Optifine|JourneyMap|Multi-Hotbar]".
  7. Find the version from the forge installer above.
  8. Optional: Increase your RAM (See below for more info)
  9. Click Save and then go back to the Launcher's start page by clicking in "News".
  10. Select the profile you just created with the button next to "Play" and then start the game.
  11. After the fancy new startup animation the main menu should now have some notes regarding Forge on it:

  12. Create a new Creative Singleplayer world and make sure everything loads and behaves as it should.
  13. Close Minecraft.

Step 3: Install Mods
  1. Access your .minecraft folder (Type %appdata% in search bar of Windows Start menu).
  2. There now should be a folder called "mods", if not, create it.
  3. In the mods folder create a new folder called "1.12"
  4. Drag only the Optifine file from your desktop into that folder (for your convenience: don't close that folder yet ;))
  5. Start Minecraft using the profile from before.
  6. Open the Singleplayer world from before. Press Escape and go to "Options" --> "Video Settings". You should now be able to choose more options:

    Note the new location of the integrated Shaders Mod.
  7. Download yourself some shaderpacks (google for some, I'm using >>SEUS<, >>KUDA<<, Chocapic13, ConquestOfTheSun, MrMeepz and Sildur's Vibrant Shaders (you'll find all of those with Google) your graphic card may not be friends with every shader, just try some if they work, SEUS is a good one to start. Don't get yourself the most extreme shader version to start if you're not sure how much your PC can handle ;) )
  8. Make sure the game behaves normally, then close Minecraft again.
  9. Drag the Journeymap file into your mods folder.
  10. Start the game and open the Singleplayer world again.
  11. On the top right should now be a very fancy minimap!
  12. Press Escape and navigate to the controls menu and adjust the Journeymap controls to your liking.
  13. Press the "J" key (or whatever key you assigned above) to access the Full Map. On the right hand side you have another options button which lets you adjust all aspects of the maps.

  14. Install Multi-Hotbar by dragging the matching file into the mods folder.
  15. Configure the mod by pressing Escape --> Mod Options --> Config

Step 4: Allocate more RAM to Minecraft

With more RAM allocated the performance should increase.
  1. Start the launcher, select "Launch Settings" and find and click the profile you want to edit.
  2. Flip the toggler to unlock the "JVM arguments" text field (it may already contain "-Xmx1G" and other settings, adjust the RAM setting and leave the rest untouched)
  3. Use one the following Codes:
    -Xmx2G for 2GB RAM allocated
    -Xmx7G for 7GB RAM allocated
    -Xmx8G for 8GB RAM allocated
    -Xmx16G for 16GB RAM allocated

    Note: As programs running in the background do too need some RAM it won't work if you allocate the amount of RAM your machine has
  4. Click "Save" and start game.
  5. Press F3 when you're in a world and check whether the available amount of RAM has changed (won't be exactly the amount you entered).

Congratulations, if everything works nicely, you're done now!
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