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Resolved Add a rank for Developers, or add a thing at the front of their names like mods have.

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Moria Hall Professional
Suggestion: Add a rank for Developers, or add a thing at the front of their names like mods have.

Reason: This would be cool because then people would know who the developers are, and developers are very important parts of MCME. Artists have an artist rank, so why shouldn't developers have something too. While this doesn't need to be a priority, it seems like it would be a cool thing to implement in the relatively near future. Yep.
1. The Developers already have a discord role to slightly distinguish them.
2. Developers aren't a part of the MCME hierarchy, like Commoner, Guide, Artist, etc., it is just like any other of the teams we have. We appreciate all they do, but there is no need to give them an in-game rank. It is completely unnecessary and doesn't really make sense.
We have a developer badge at the server. It's displayed as suffix in chat like minigames and worldedit badges. Moderator have a special visibility as it's important to quickly identify online moderators in case of e.g. conflicts.
I mark this thread as resolved as I believe the subject has been clarified.
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