Hi, my name is lolbroek108, here you see my artist application. Hope you guys like it!

- Date: I joined around Christmas, 2015 But I quit for three months but, here I'm again!
- Jobs: I did similar jobs in DA (about 8 jobs). I also did streams in Ithilien, #makeIthilienGreatAgain and vegetation jobs nearby Rivendell
- screenshots: Scroll down for the screenshots, they are all there! ;D
- Themed-Build: same story!
- interests: First, it was Rohirric but now, I like every style because, every style is different that makes it fun and you could do so much with. Actually, I like de Tolkien-Style!
- motivation: I would like it if I could help with building this AMAZING server! First time I saw the server, I was speechless. At that moment I decided that I want to help the other guys with building Middle Earth. I like the Tolkien triology I've read Al of the three books of the LOTR and I've read the Hobbit and now, I'm reading the Silmarillion. I've watched all the movies From the hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings, each 2,3 times I think xD.
- Currently Rank: Commoner
Hope you like it!
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