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Resolved Available Commands for Adventurers

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Another Moria Worker
gadget271 submitted a new resource:

Available Commands for Adventurers - A full list of all commands that can be used by Adventurers / Commoners

Available commands for Adventurers
This is a WIP, if you see something missing, please let me know - 134 commands currently recorded
Warp Commands
1) /warp <name>
This command will teleport you to the location you type in <name>...

Read more about this resource...
You missed to inform that you can also use the chat commands to send a single message to a certain chat without changing that chat to be your active talking chat.
You do this by doing /<chat> <your message>
e.g. /l hello. Anyone nearby?

And in the Game Commands (which I would recommend renaming to Minigame Commands as the games are usually referred to as minigames) you wrote jobs where I believe you meant to write minigames.
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You missed to inform that you can also use the chat commands to send a single message to a certain chat without changing that chat to be your active talking chat.
You do this by doing /<chat> <your message>
e.g. /l hello. Anyone nearby?

And in the Game Commands (which I would recommend renaming to Minigame Commands as the games are usually referred to as minigames) you wrote jobs where I believe you meant to write minigames.
View attachment 12356
Great spots ryttyr!

Changes now added to list. Thanks
Some more things I noticed:

The /banner load command has folders like the /chead list does so you should probably include how those works in your explanation (sorry I don't remember how the commands works of the top of my head)

Secondly, I think it should say "You must have donated $xx+ in order to have access to this." instead of "You must donate $xx+ in order to have access to this." as I feel that that implies that you buy access to those commands via donnations rather than those commands being perks of having donated.

Thirdly, /ptime can also be used to set the exact in game time. If I recall right you can do /ptime 18:30 to set the in game time to 18:30 or /ptime 12500 to set the time to 12500 game-ticks into the day. (12500 ticks = 18:30 btw as the minecraft day starts at 06:00)

And finally, /link is also used to link your minecraft account to the forums as well (so that any in-game promotions/demotions are reflected on the forums) if I recall right.
A heads up! The /kit tools description needs to be updated as of about ten minutes ago since Eriol updated it after a debate about how out of date the tools you got from it was. Take a look in Discord's dev-general chat for what's been changed.
Well, I did not change the /kit tools command. I don't even know which plugin provides that :p
But Archtiect plugin features creation of public and private kits with /get command so I quickly created public tools kit which is now available with /get tools.
Artist+ can create private kits (which became pretty obsolete with hotbar saving): /get pcreate <kitName>
Designer can create public kits: /get greate <kitName>
I have updated with changes you have both mentioned.
@ryttyr For the banner Load command does the bits you were talking about not come under /Banner Files instead?
I have updated with changes you have both mentioned.
@ryttyr For the banner Load command does the bits you were talking about not come under /Banner Files instead?
Maybe it does. It was a long time since I used the banner commands. What I meant was that you didn't mention that there's various banner folders nor how to navigate them like you did for the chead commands.
Either way, I love that you've made this very needed resource.
Maybe it does. It was a long time since I used the banner commands. What I meant was that you didn't mention that there's various banner folders nor how to navigate them like you did for the chead commands.
Either way, I love that you've made this very needed resource.

This should now include the additional detail.


Thank You for helping keep this resource as up to date / accurate as possible @ryttyr
Noticed that you included the command for the Gondor custom inventory /inv b rp:g but not the command for the Moria custom inventory /inv b rp:d (and perhaps you'd like to preemptively add the most likely soon to be custom Mordor inventory which would have the command /inv b rp:m )
I also feel like the descriptions of how the /inv command works is a bit lacking. AFAIK /inv opens a custom inventory, specified by h for cheads and b for custom blocks. /inv h works the same everywhere whilst /inv b opens the custom block inventory of your current rp-region (if said rp-region has a custom block inventory) but it can also be specified by adding rp:x where x is the letter of the rp which custom block inventory you want to access. Currently only Gondor and Moria have custom block inventories but Mordor will have one as well.

Also, isn't there a command for getting a list of various links for voting on MCME on various minecraft server lists?
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Noticed that you included the command for the Gondor custom inventory /inv b rp:g but not the command for the Moria custom inventory /inv b rp:d (and perhaps you'd like to preemptively add the most likely soon to be custom Mordor inventory which would have the command /inv b rp:m )
I also feel like the descriptions of how the /inv command works is a bit lacking. AFAIK /inv opens a custom inventory, specified by h for cheads and b for custom blocks. /inv h works the same everywhere whilst /inv b opens the custom block inventory of your current rp-region (if said rp-region has a custom block inventory) but it can also be specified by adding rp:x where x is the letter of the rp which custom block inventory you want to access. Currently only Gondor and Moria have custom block inventories but Mordor will have one as well.

Also, isn't there a command for getting a list of various links for voting on MCME on various minecraft server lists?
These changes have been added, changes regarding /inv are in commands 53 / 54, /votemcme added (command 135)

I am not as active as I once was so please all keep me posted with any new commands / changes to commands and i will try to keep this list updated.

- Gadge
  • Removed mention of /mv tp, this is now just /mvtp
  • Removed mention of redstone world
  • corrected the world name Themed-Builds to themedbuilds
  • Added /to <name>
  • Added /tppos <X> <Y> <Z>
  • Added /kit <dtools / notch / firework>
  • Removed mention of /mv tp, this is now just /mvtp
  • Removed mention of redstone world
  • corrected the world name Themed-Builds to themedbuilds
  • Added /to <name>
  • Added /tppos <X> <Y> <Z>
  • Added /kit <dtools / notch / firework>
Perhaps you should mention that tools aren't ever needed anymore as we build in creative mode nowadays and that the fireworks will disappear unless you have the fireworks donor perk?
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