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    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Resolved beginning quiz

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Is going on an adventure!
I'm a new Minecraft player on a MacBook pro, and I'm having trouble navigating the quiz. I can't seem to click any options in the chat to progress through the quiz. anytime I try to move the mouse it just pans to a different location on the screen.
not sure if there are any ways I can fix this in settings, so that I am able to have a functional mouse option and click on the answers. or if there is any way I can complete the quiz without a mouse!
thanks :)
To be frank I am not really familiar if the quiz works without a mouse, but the main issue here seems to be that your mouse is moving in the opposite direction than the one you try to point to? Or am I reading that wrong?
If that happens sometimes it helps to click outside of minecraft (the desktop) and than place the cursor back on the minecraft window itself. This should reset mouse-movement. If this does not work I suggest disabling 'cinematic camera' in the settings.
When a question comes up you need to press 't' to open chat and unlock your mouse. Then click at the correct answer.
When you press 't' and then press Enter it tells you that you can't chat.
Just press 't' but instead of typing in any answer just use the free mouse pointer to cklick at the correct answer.
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