Project Leader: Thijs1801
Co-Leader: Eaglz
Project staff: (still open)
Lore:Project Leader: Thijs1801
Co-Leader: Eaglz
Project staff: (still open)
Belfalas was a region of southern Gondor, encompassing the coast from the mouth of the Anduin to Dol Amroth. It formed a part of Dor-en-Ernil, or the "Prince's land". The Prince in question here was the Lord of Dol Amroth, who lived at the city bearing his name.
At the start of the second millennium of the Third Age a certain Imrazôr The Númenórean lived in and ruled over the Belfalas. He married Mithrellas, a Silvan Elf of Lorien, and their son Galador became the first Prince of Dol Amroth. Belfalas was also home to an old Elf haven named Edhellond.
Belfalas' chief city was the Prince's residence of Dol Amroth.
South of the Belfalas lay a great Bay, which was named after it the Bay of Belfalas.
During the War of the Ring, the Belfalas was raided by the Corsairs of Umbar, and therefore did not send any men to help defend Minas Tirith, until Aragorn liberated the coast with the Grey Company, freeing Gondor's southern armies to follow him north to relieve Minas Tirith.
General Plan:
- Terrain
- Mountains
- Rivers & Coasts
- Farmlands - Plan Villages, City's and Strongholds
- Farming Villages
- Mining Villages
- Strongholds - Vegetation
- Roads
Project Map:
- Black: Road
- Red: Mining Village
- Yellow: Farming Village
- Green: Forest
- Grey: Mountain Range
- Purple: Stronghold
- Red Dot: Lighthouse
- Blue: Rivers
- Villages
- Roads
- Forest detail
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