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Biome Colormaps for Gondor rp


Head of Plugin Development
Staff member
Forum Title: Biome Colormaps for Gondor rp
Filename: foliage.png and grass.png
Resource Pack: Gondor
Texture description:
All over Gondor we use biomes to make trees with colourful leaves.
mushroom_island -> red leaves
desert -> orange leaves
plains -> green leaves
forest -> very bright green leaves

Especially with the desert biome there is an a bit annoying side effect: The grass below the tree is quite yellow which looks very odd with green grass around. @Darki asked me some days ago, if this could be changed. So I looked into biomes and biome colormaps in more detail. I created new colormaps which allows to combine several grass and leave colours:

Biomes used:
Upper line: river
Second line: forest, jungle, mushroom_island
Third line: desert, redwood_taiga, extreme_hills
Fourth line: plains, birch_forest, ice_flats, jungle_edge

As an additional benefits all colors are no longer dependent of height level: Red leaves will be red at all height levels :)

I made a colormap generator programm which makes changes of biome colors very easy. So if you have suggestions to improve this just post them below.

Texture image:

Will add, don't see a reason why not! And as far as I can tell beside going back and change the biome under specific trees no other adjustments need to be made to the map, right?

Also might look into whether its worth changing it for the other packs.
And as far as I can tell beside going back and change the biome under specific trees no other adjustments need to be made to the map, right?

Also might look into whether its worth changing it for the other packs.

All used biomes (as far as I know) should not change with the new colormaps.

As I see it we don't want the colours vary with height (at least for Gondor) but if height variation is wanted, for example for the Misty Mountains, that would not be a problem.