What follows is a list of commands that the rank can use. Note however that this document may not be up to date at all times.
/spawn - Teleports to the current world's spawn.
/mv spawn - Teleports to the current world's spawn.
/unstuck - Attempts to unstuck you if you are stuck in terrain, using it in canyons doesn't help you.
/helper dynmap - Gives you a link to the dynamic map of the server where you can see all warp locations.
/helper textures - Gives you a link to the resource packs used on the server
In addition, this rank also has access to the Oathbreaker commands.
General commands:
/fbt - Gives you fullbright (nightvision).
/afk or /away - Sets your status as afk or away.
/pweather <sun, storm, list or clear> - Sets weather just for you.
/ptime <list, reset, day, night, dawn, time as 17:30 or as 5:30pm or an amount>- Sets the time for you.
/depth - Gives you the height relative from sealevel.
/cleaninventory, /cleaninvent, /clean, /clear or /ci <(optional) itemname>- Clears all of your inventory.
/fly - Switches flight mode.
Tour commands:
/tour - Gives you information about tours.
/tour help - Gives you help for the Tour commands.
/tour join <tourname> - Makes you join the tour called <tourname>.
/tour leave - Makes you leave the tour you are in.
/tour request - Sends an alert that you request for a tour.
/tourtp or /ttp - Teleports you to the Tour's Guide.
Teleport commands:
/tpa <player> - Asks the <player> if you can teleport to them.
/tpaccept - Accepts the pendng teleport request.
/tpdeny - Denies the pending teleport request.
/tpahere <player> - Asks the <player> to teleport him to you.
/tourtp or /ttp - Teleports you to the Tour's Guide.
/warp <place name> - Teleports you to the place you typed in.
/warp list <page number> - Shows you a list of all available warps in your current world, their creator and their coordinates.
/warp pset or pcreate <place name> - Creates a warp just for you on your current location. The maximum number of personal warps is 30.
/warp invite <player> <name of personal warp> - Invites a player to your warp.
/warp list -c <your own name> - Shows all your personal warps.
/createhome or /sethome - Creates home location.
/home - Teleports you home.
/rmhome - Deletes home location.
/back or /return - Returns you to your last known position, prior to the teleport.
In addition, this rank also has access to the Adventurer and Oathbreaker commands.
Tour commands:
/tour start - Starts a tour.
/tour stop - Stops the tour.
/tour list - Shows all users in your tour group.
/tour hat - Puts the block in your hand on your head to wear as a hat.
/tourtp <player> - Teleports <player> to you.
/tourtpa or /ttpa - Teleports all players in the tour to you.
/spawn - Teleports to the current world's spawn.
/mv spawn - Teleports to the current world's spawn.
/unstuck - Attempts to unstuck you if you are stuck in terrain, using it in canyons doesn't help you.
/helper dynmap - Gives you a link to the dynamic map of the server where you can see all warp locations.
/helper textures - Gives you a link to the resource packs used on the server
In addition, this rank also has access to the Oathbreaker commands.
General commands:
/fbt - Gives you fullbright (nightvision).
/afk or /away - Sets your status as afk or away.
/pweather <sun, storm, list or clear> - Sets weather just for you.
/ptime <list, reset, day, night, dawn, time as 17:30 or as 5:30pm or an amount>- Sets the time for you.
/depth - Gives you the height relative from sealevel.
/cleaninventory, /cleaninvent, /clean, /clear or /ci <(optional) itemname>- Clears all of your inventory.
/fly - Switches flight mode.
Tour commands:
/tour - Gives you information about tours.
/tour help - Gives you help for the Tour commands.
/tour join <tourname> - Makes you join the tour called <tourname>.
/tour leave - Makes you leave the tour you are in.
/tour request - Sends an alert that you request for a tour.
/tourtp or /ttp - Teleports you to the Tour's Guide.
Teleport commands:
/tpa <player> - Asks the <player> if you can teleport to them.
/tpaccept - Accepts the pendng teleport request.
/tpdeny - Denies the pending teleport request.
/tpahere <player> - Asks the <player> to teleport him to you.
/tourtp or /ttp - Teleports you to the Tour's Guide.
/warp <place name> - Teleports you to the place you typed in.
/warp list <page number> - Shows you a list of all available warps in your current world, their creator and their coordinates.
/warp pset or pcreate <place name> - Creates a warp just for you on your current location. The maximum number of personal warps is 30.
/warp invite <player> <name of personal warp> - Invites a player to your warp.
/warp list -c <your own name> - Shows all your personal warps.
/createhome or /sethome - Creates home location.
/home - Teleports you home.
/rmhome - Deletes home location.
/back or /return - Returns you to your last known position, prior to the teleport.
In addition, this rank also has access to the Adventurer and Oathbreaker commands.
Tour commands:
/tour start - Starts a tour.
/tour stop - Stops the tour.
/tour list - Shows all users in your tour group.
/tour hat - Puts the block in your hand on your head to wear as a hat.
/tourtp <player> - Teleports <player> to you.
/tourtpa or /ttpa - Teleports all players in the tour to you.