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Find a way to get dirty water


Custom Inventory Specialist
Retexture lava to dirty water.

Bwot had an good idea..., and like he said himself "those are rare" :p. Cause we don't use lava anyways (except in mordor), we could try to retexture it to dirty water.

This way, we could use it as waste water in our beloved DA sewers...

Conclusion (for now):
Lava would be difficult to retexture + it emits light. We could've also used it in smiths... The lava also isn't transparant, and players would burn when stepping inside of it (sh** ain't that hot :p).

Solution (to be tested):

Try to change biomes into swamp.
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A second water block would be great indeed. But I don't think lava is a good choice:
  • emits light
  • not transparent
  • player burn when stepping inside
I made lava with the same texture as water, here is the result:
Is it possible then to have another water texture? Or should we first try Fin's idea of changing the biome to swamp with the only negative being grass color above.
It's hard to find another block for water. I can't think of any with the needed properties:
  • Transparent rendering (like glass blocks)
  • non solid (would be weird if you can't step into the water)
So if any of you has an idea...

Otherwise we have to wait and hope for mc 1.13. It might then be possible to make water colour biome dependent. It's an unconfirmed feature, but was mentioned by some Mojang developer.
I'd go for turning the streams in the sewers, or maybe even small patches of the sewers to swamp biome. Obviously the downside would be that the grass on the surface changes color, but DA is such a dense city that there's only little grass left, and where you do get the swampy grass you can easily replace this area with a rock/cliff, or a square/plaza or a house.
If the sewers are dark, would players even noticed if the water is slightly green tinted? Seems a bit excessive.
There is some light in the sewers. And before u start about realism..., the light is just enough to see somethin, but not much though, would be a shame if people would use /fbt in the sewers. That would ruin the look and the feelin it gives u...
There is some light in the sewers. And before u start about realism..., the light is just enough to see somethin, but not much though, would be a shame if people would use /fbt in the sewers. That would ruin the look and the feelin it gives u...
And glowing water wouldn't?
I'd just wait for 1.13 and see what can be be done with the biome color options (if they are in there) or look into Optifine tricks. Wouldn't recommend reskinning lava at all. Right now there are only 2 liquids in MC, water and lava. Only way to do it is to reskin water texture itself, but then all water will look like this.