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    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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Job Schedule

Job Schedule?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • No (wouldn't work)

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters


Another Moria Worker
At this moment in time there is a weekly updated thread for jobs happening on a Saturday.

What I think would be better is if a designer is planning to do a job then there is a thread with a table that has the day and time where a designer can fill in a slot maybe on a Tuesday at 6.00 pm GMT. All the staff would need to access this. This would allow people to know when a job is on in the week at the chosen time.

However someone waiting for a job would need to be okay with it being late/early/cancelled. The designer could fill in the slot a week, a day, or 2 hours in advance (1 hour may be to late).
The current thread does the same function. Also the jobs are often based on the amount of people on the server. This means that if there is an unexpected spike in the amount of people on, a job could be ran to cater for these people (This could not be planned in advance really). Personally I feel that keeping the current thread updated would be just as effective. Just be sure to ask designers if there will be any jobs when you are on as they are more likely to run one if people actually want a job.
If you want to get jobs and things like that, GET ON TEAMSPEAK, rather than waiting around for one. Get to know the community and the people making jobs for you. The artist @greglas2 is a great example. He was always on ts as an adventurer, even without a mic, and i would give him a lot of jobs and everything. Just get in the speaks dude, and chances are you wont be bored anymore.
I don't think a job schedule for every day will improve things. It's not much effort to make such a schedule and fill in planned jobs, I am willing to do, but my experiences with planned jobs are not too good.
I run scheduled jobs on almost every Saturday since mid of September at 8 pm GMT, a time which should be ok for many players in europe and america. But quite often only very few players join the scheduled jobs. That is quite disencouraging sometimes.
Its like @gadget271 said above: If you want a job ask a Designer for a job. Be active and show your interest to help! There will be more jobs when many player ask for them.
And it is like @kisos said: Get on teamspeak. It is >>easy to install<<. You don't need a microphone. If you don't want to talk you can just answer and ask in chat. But Teamspeak makes it much easier and quicker to give job instructions.

I want to try something. Maybe it is a good idea to organise asking for jobs a bit:
If enough players (about 5) are interested I will run a job on Friday 1st. It will require teamspeak. Sign in at this >>Doodle<< if you want to help. I will decide about the job around 5 pm GMT. You will see final time at the Doodle then.
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If you want to get jobs and things like that, GET ON TEAMSPEAK, rather than waiting around for one. Get to know the community and the people making jobs for you. The artist @greglas2 is a great example. He was always on ts as an adventurer, even without a mic, and i would give him a lot of jobs and everything. Just get in the speaks dude, and chances are you wont be bored anymore.
He speaks the truth get the speaks and speak to us and we shall speak back.
@DrayzST, thank you for signing in for the job, but you were the only one. So no scheduled job today. Maybe time to sign in was a bit short. An other try for Sunday: >>Doodle<<
@Eriol_Eandur idk if you've been doing this, but you could try giving the link to adventurers ingame, since not all of them check the forums regularly.
Job requirement number 1:
Staff willing/able to start one

Three problems:
- no staff online
- staff can't work on running projects because he/she doesnt have permission
- other tasks make him busy

- get more staff. By using teamspeak and socializing with the new players. Guides could be the leading role here.
- staff could have a reserve list of stuff to do, like river springs, forest check-ups, roads,... Important here is that these should be difficult to do wrong
- staff could open the job but let experienced members or artists lead the job while the staff can do other things. This is already being done, but I believe it can be done more.

Job requirement number 2:
Enough capable people to help

- staff that are active on low traffic times don't get the helpers
- people aren't sure of their skill or aren't confident enough to use teamspeak etc...

- plan jobs for later times, when the server has enough traffic. Instead of starting big, start small and end with big projects.
- give the job to another staff. Good communication is key here.
- more connecting with new players. Guides could be central here.

Tldr: talk with everyone, think logically and simple, USE TEAMSPEAK AND SOCIALIZE, reserve job list.
Mid-term the good solution to this will be Moria + Plotbuild Plugin. I intend Moria to be built mostly by adventurers+, making most halls and corridors and caves a plot each on which 1 up to 8 players can build whenever they want. The versatility of Eriol and Ivan's Plotbuild Plugin makes it possible to easily manage these plots, mark them as ready for check, reset them and a very very long list of other functions and possibilities. The plugin is currently being tested intensively and the last tweaks are being added.