NOTE: No screenshots, just check here: Recently Updated Minecraft Projects by Mrt2002mc
I joined mcme around the end of November 2015 (Nov 25-Dec 5). I participated in my first job on December 23, and that was building streams in Anfalas. I hope to join more but I didnt know about jobs until like 2 days ago :/. So I like to build a lot of castles and kingdoms, but i like terraforming and building landscapes. if i was building unrelated things they would mostly be like traditional houses. The pictures on my pmc are outdated because i havent done much with it lately, I mostly just build on some build servers. I like mcme because the hobbit and lotr series are one of my favorite books and it was cool to see the world on minecraft. id like to contribute to this server my builds, and help the recreation of middle earth.
NOTE: No screenshots, just check here: Recently Updated Minecraft Projects by Mrt2002mc
I joined mcme around the end of November 2015 (Nov 25-Dec 5). I participated in my first job on December 23, and that was building streams in Anfalas. I hope to join more but I didnt know about jobs until like 2 days ago :/. So I like to build a lot of castles and kingdoms, but i like terraforming and building landscapes. if i was building unrelated things they would mostly be like traditional houses. The pictures on my pmc are outdated because i havent done much with it lately, I mostly just build on some build servers. I like mcme because the hobbit and lotr series are one of my favorite books and it was cool to see the world on minecraft. id like to contribute to this server my builds, and help the recreation of middle earth.