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Accepted ReniMarus, Artist application.

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Is going on an adventure!
Date I joined MCME: March 19th, 2014.

I did a job once for Eriol_Eandur. We placed some blocks to form a riverside somewhere in Gondor.
I also did a job (not an official one, I asked for it) placing some grass on barren spots in Rohan. I helped with the dead marshes some time ago. I did a job fixing shrubberies in Eriador and help build some roads near Linhir for Emilio_. I also did paths in three farms: one carrot farm, and two tree-farms. I helped Fireinferno13 make roads at Aldburg with gadget, and I assisted in building an Aldburg house, as well as made an Aldburg house (which is yet to be evaluated, I think). I've done more jobs with Fireinferno13 making roads in Aldburg.
Pictures/Screenshots of my builds: more themed builds
Even more themed builds
Umbar Finished-ish
(still might be more to come)

Favourite building-style:
Rohan. (Rohan-ian? Rohun? Rohanianian?) I love how the buildings look, and the over-all feel of Rohan. Besides Lord of the rings-related, though, I enjoy to build some medieval buildings/villages. Especially "viking" style of buildings. I love long-houses and campsites.

My motivation to apply for Artist:
MCME means a lot to me. Lord of the rings; books, films and server have helped me get through some tough times. There are few things I want more than to help create and build our beloved Middle Earth, and make it come to life in Minecraft. Some projects I'd be thrilled to be able to help with would be Moria and Mordor (though I am aware there's gunna be a while of waiting). I'd want to help finish up Gondor.
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Thank you for your application! I would like to give you some tips on what you can do to increase your chances to get accepted.

The ships and houses you posted are quite nice and you pay attention to interior which is very important. The larger builds (towers, castle, bridge) show a lack of details. Try to use pillars in front of the walls made out of an other material. Check some larger builds on MCME for examples. Your floors are quite monotone, try to mix in a few other materials.
In general I would like to see more builds using the rp of MCME so far there is only your Black Gate which is far from finished. Consider to participate in (and finish) some more themed builds.

Aside of the themed builds you can improve your chances to get Artist by helping with >>jobs and plotbuilds<<. When you finished such a task for a Designer, remember to ask the Designer to give points to your application as described >>here<<.
Eriol has said most important things already, but a few more tips from my side: Your building skills seem to be very good already as you clearly show with your fantastic work on the ships. If you now can apply this amount of details to all other things, especially house interiors, you're pretty much good to go as Artist! Check out all the cities and villages on the MCME server wher you'll find tons of creative interior ideas!
Thanks for the update and sorry I did not reply yet! I love the work you did on the Aldburg house, also already found it on-site! The interior with the uneven floor is really innovative and I like it very much!
I would like to ask you to show off your exterior skills a bit more and show me that you can do a bit better than you did with Sandymana Mill in terms of detail work. Would be nice if you give an arnorian fortress a try this week (TB), and make sure you first have a look at the various fortresses around Eriador (use the dynmap to find the ones that are a bit off the big roads).

Keep up the good work! Everyone deserves the Artist that is active on the server, and you definitely are!
~ Finrod
Updated; added a few pics of the Arnorian fortress build, though there weren't many taken. Working on Umbar now.
Hey ReniMarus,
your walls are looking a bit monotonously. They would look more interesting if you add some more details like arches between the pillars. Try to use more half slabs, stairs, walls, fences and decorative blocks (stone blocks with patterns).
Look around in Gondor, especially in Minas Tirith, Pelargir, Dol Amroth and Calembel for lots of examples for your Umbar build.
Yet another update, really sorry for the short time period, but I figured I'd post while I still remembered my imgur password (lol).
Yeah, so my umbar build is finished-ish. It's in the very last album. "umbar finished-ish" (bit stupidly obvious name, I am aware, pardon that).
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