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Finished Saplings


One Of Us, One of Us
All of these are original textures to replace our current gross default saplings! Hopefully my designs work as both saplings (that would grow in survival) as well as small house plants (in pots). Feedback is appreciated, otherwise these are ready to be uploaded!

Resource Pack: All
Texture image:

Resource Pack: All
Texture image:

Resource Pack: All
Texture image:

Resource Pack: All*
Note: The "beet" texture needs to be added to Eriador
Texture image:

Resource Pack: All
Texture image:

Resource Pack: All
Texture image:


*the jungle sapling conflicts with the radish texture in both Gondor and Rohan, leaving us with two options:
1) We move the radish texture to a different block so that we have a "matching set" of sapling textures
2) We do not change the jungle sapling texture. In this case I would suggest using the sapling_jungle texture as the sapling_roofed_oak texture as I think it is nicer.

UPDATE: I moved the jungle sapling to the dark oak "slot" (because I like the texture better) and have maintained the "beet" texture in place of sapling_jungle. However in order to completely phase out all default saplings the "beet" texture needs to be applied to the remaining packs.
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All of these are original textures to replace our current gross default saplings! Hopefully my designs work as both saplings (that would grow in survival) as well as small house plants (in pots). Feedback is appreciated, otherwise these are ready to be uploaded!

Resource Pack: All
Texture image:
View attachment 5514

Resource Pack: All
Texture image:
View attachment 5515

Resource Pack: All
Texture image:
View attachment 5516

Resource Pack: All*
Texture image:
View attachment 5517

Resource Pack: All
Texture image:
View attachment 5518

Resource Pack: All
Texture image:
View attachment 5519

*the jungle sapling conflicts with the radish texture in both Gondor and Rohan, leaving us with two options:
1) We move the radish texture to a different block so that we have a "matching set" of sapling textures
2) We do not change the jungle sapling texture. In this case I would suggest using the sapling_jungle texture as the sapling_roofed_oak texture as I think it is nicer.
10/10 would bang again
I support option 2, since I think it would be a lot of work to go around and change every place that people have used beets (I always saw beets) in pots/flower beds/gardens/fields. Also agree with replacing dark oak; I think the jungle sapling works better as a little shrubby plant than the dark oak sapling.

If we were to use option 1 though, what block would be replaced? a random flower?
I support option 2, since I think it would be a lot of work to go around and change every place that people have used beets (I always saw beets) in pots/flower beds/gardens/fields. Also agree with replacing dark oak; I think the jungle sapling works better as a little shrubby plant than the dark oak sapling.

If we were to use option 1 though, what block would be replaced? a random flower?
Yes I agree, to this extent I would like to argue that the "beet" texture should be implemented in the remaining packs

I have made the adjustment above, the dark oak texture will be an "extra," making the resource ready to implement in ALL packs (maybe not loth?) whenever you are ready @Finrod_Amandil
Yay now everyone can have a custom Bonsai tree in his home :D
Agree with option 2 (anyone knows that we used jungle sapling as jungle sapling in eriador somewhere? Else we'll have some beets in flower pots xD)

Will add them as you suggested fire.
Yay now everyone can have a custom Bonsai tree in his home :D
Agree with option 2 (anyone knows that we used jungle sapling as jungle sapling in eriador somewhere? Else we'll have some beets in flower pots xD)

Will add them as you suggested fire.
To my knowledge, the beets are not being used anywhere in Eriador (as the default jungle plant is ugly).

Go ahead and add them!
is the dark oak sapling now what you had on the jungle sapling before? #confused

Edit: nvm saw the note
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is the dark oak sapling now what you had on the jungle sapling before? #confused

Edit: nvm saw the note
Yes, just to clarify: I moved the original jungle to the dark oak (bumping the original dark oak from the list) as I thought the overall texture was significantly better and more versatile in use as it looks like an indoor plant :)
There is one major disadvantage to keeping beets as jungle saplings that I had not realized until now:

In the 1.9 update, beet roots will be added as a crop to minecraft. Now I know that we might not necessarily update for a little bit, but I think it might be wise of us to move the "beet" texture over to this crop for the reason that this will actually enhance our farms in the future given that the beets can "grow".

That being said I think we should actually go with my original suggestion of implementing ALL of the sapling textures and move the beet root texture to the eventual 1.9. I would be personally willing to map out this weekend all of the locations in Gondor and Rohan where there are beet crops (yes I will go 1 by 1) and mark them for future replacement later on a map as well as insert "place holders" so that we can make the sapling switch without messing up crops. OR we could wait until we update to 1.9 (as it wont be for a while) and once we do I can move things around

Does this new option work for you @Finrod_Amandil ? This would also mean moving the jungle sapling back to jungle, and re adding the dark oak sapling to dark oak.

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View attachment 5573

Most practical solution would be adding the roofed oak sapling on roofed oak and wait with adding the jungle sapling. Else we could permanently switch the two if you want the jungle sapling texture asap.
I think this is a reasonable solution, so why dont we just add the roofed oak as roofed oak and wait on jungle instead. I will hopefully remember to bring this back up when we switch to 1.9

would we just get rid of beets in flower pots then?

What do you mean? I dont think anybody is placing beets in flower pots in the first place cus they wouldnt grow very well in such..
There was a concern about the "originality" of some of my saplings, as they were originally based off of the conquest pack but made independently and I was not aware of some of their copyright stuff, therefore I have made some new sapling textures that are guaranteed 100% original. I have determined that the oak, spruce, and birch are all my own original work and by no means "copies", so I only redid the acacia and dark oak saplings (will make a new jungle one eventually when we move the beet texture)

@Finrod_Amandil - if these are up to standards, you are welcome to update the Github request :)

Filename: sapling_acacia
Resource Pack: All
Texture image:

Resource Pack: All
Texture image:

I have been made aware of monsterfish's claim that these textures are derivatives from the Conquest pack. I will investigate and try to reach out to monsterfish myself asap. I will remove the textures in question from the MCME resource packs asap until all questions are cleared.

Edit: The issue has been discussed and resolved, no changes to the textures are being made for the time being.

Any further questions shall please be directed my way.
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