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    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

~The MCME Times~ #04/17


Opening statement

This week I'm gonna do something special for once; I'll be going with less words, and instead more images. For the project updates it shall be said that the images mostly cover progress over the past couple week, not specifically over the last week.

With that said, have a nice read, or rather, a nice look!​

Project Progress

Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter

Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Thijs1801


Dol Amroth (In Progress) - Lead: @Eaglz24

Lamedon (In Progress) - Lead: @_Luk
Mordor Terrain (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz

Image credit goes to Tyran ;)
Moria (In Progress) - Lead: @Despot666







Tolfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz
Valley of Erui (In Progress) - Lead: @Mandos
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Plugin Development
Animation Plugin (Testing in progress) - Dev: @Ivan1pl
Custom inventories / itemblocks (In progress) - Dev: @Eriol_Eandur

Also in this section I want to let images speak this week! The following are images NOT specifically taken for the Times, but have been created during the implementation process. I won't lay out all the explanations that'd be connected to each picture, except you really want to know all the details! If so, please ask for some more in-depth stuff below ;)
The development of new pillar textures; and how to make them as flexible as possible in usage:


Or adding the long-missing cracked dark bricks again...
("Uh Luk, this somewhat looks like a face")


Getting the new GUI just right (work by Fireinferno):


So random...

Trees like you've never known them before

The cobble and mossy cobble walls will return to the Gondor pack, but it aint all that easy...

But in return they gonna be nicely flexible!


Fancy pillar is fancy

Windows are never gonna be the same again
(Disclaimer: Not sure if I will really add this :p)


And lastly a quick overview of what is already firmly set in the new pack:
Terrain blocks:

Building blocks:
Block analyse / replace / switch Plugin (In progress) - Dev: @Eriol_Eandur

Eriol has now picked up the threads of this plugin that was started by Dallen and Ivan, and has gotten a few more specific specifications, for the tech-savvy ones: The question was whether the plugin should only be able to target specific ID + data value combinations or whether a full support of all blockstates (which are in some cases just alternatives to the DVs, but sometimes also a bit more flexible and accurate). As the latter option would include a lot more work we decided to go with the DV version, which probably is also a bit easier to handle. For special cases however blockstate support may be useful, for example the one shown above regarding the cobblestone walls.
Rank Updates

It is a great pleasure to welcome back @Demonataz to the Designer team! He will mainly be a supporter for all terrain works at hand, which is probably something of the most relaxing things you can possibly do, although some perceive it as tedious instead :p Welcome back Demon!

The Foreman rank is already implemented by now. By this weekend we have gotten a solid eight promotions for the rank and the staff team has voiced their opinions on who to consider first. I will be replying to 3 to 4 applicant's applications as soon as possible, so we can find a date for a trial job and a quick interview, to reassure that we make good picks for the first pioneering Foremen. For all the applicants that don't get a reply yet, don't fret! It may well be possible that we will have more than these 4 Foreman at once, but for that we first need to see how the first group will do on the job in light blue!
For all non-applicants, watch out for anouncements of these trial jobs, would be nice if we'd have a great audience to be able to really prove how well our applicants can handle a large horde of people :p

Themed Build

Theme: Chamber of Mazarbul
Resource Pack: Dwarven / Moria (if you have server RP's on, type /rp d)
Thread: #4/17 - Chamber of Mazarbul

The *new* Audiobook

The first chapter has successfully been realised this saturday, and TI decided to continue with the project! The next session will take place on the forthcoming Saturday, January 28th on 8pm GMT. Be sure to look out for updates on the thread, eventually there's again guest roles that you could lend your voice to! The New Audio Book

Closing statement

“I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?”
- John Lennon
. .

Like our Planetminecraft page daily to help promoting MCME!​
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That new tree blocks look weird. Are those based on End Rods? If yes, won't they emit light? Please check all new stuff against dark areas before they are delivered.

Last time I asked @Eriol_Eandur said that light cannot be removed from end rods... Therefore they are not used in Moria even if I prepared model for them :<
That new tree blocks look weird. Are those based on End Rods? If yes, won't they emit light? Please check all new stuff against dark areas before they are delivered.

Last time I asked @Eriol_Eandur said that light cannot be removed from end rods... Therefore they are not used in Moria even if I prepared model for them :<
They are chorus plants with a changed model for nice connection to ground and leaves.