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Title Screen Textures


Experienced Member
Occasionally, the rare ScoobyDeezy may come out of hibernation and appear, if briefly, to absorb himself with azghf ffxg f f gfx.


Apologies. That was my two-year old banging on the keyboard. Not even kidding.

I give you v2.0 of the Title Screen Logos for the various resource packs. Pull requests have been submitted for all but Mordor. Because, you know, one does not simply...
Also, if any tolkien language experts want to give me tips on whether any of those vowels need the little dots over them (that's the technical term), I'll update as needed.
It's Lothlórien, not Lothlorien. :)

What do you guys think of adding Tengwar vowel accents to the titles? From the little bit of research I did, it seemed like adding those accents to our alphabet, though unnecessary, is a pretty common practice in Middle Earth - and it's the dominant practice of writing by Bilbo and Frodo seen in the films.

So, for example, Rohan would look like this:


Like if you like, and I'll push out version 2.1 - unless there are reasons I shouldn't...
I realize the Mordor pack is like, at the very very bottom of any priority list right now, but I was thinking it might look cool if the MC in it were all dark and spiky-like!
why do rohan and loth say beta after them? I thought they were no longer beta?
I wasn't certain which ones were and weren't - I was going off of the titles that I was replacing. So is Mordor then the only one left that's "beta"? Can I get confirmation from staff?

UPDATE: megga confirmed.
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I wasn't certain which ones were and weren't - I was going off of the titles that I was replacing. So is Mordor then the only one left that's "beta"? Can I get confirmation from staff?

Mordor is more like early alpha, and I'd say the rest are done-ish. Can't confirm that though.
What do you guys think of adding Tengwar vowel accents to the titles? From the little bit of research I did, it seemed like adding those accents to our alphabet, though unnecessary, is a pretty common practice in Middle Earth - and it's the dominant practice of writing by Bilbo and Frodo seen in the films.

Im sorry but this idea makes no sense at all, it would mean just adding more vowels (like Eriador gets Eeriiaadoor and Gondor Goondoor), and mixing two completely differently working writing systems is already weird enough. If it really looks better can be discussed but I would not say it does. also now it just looks like it says for example "Môrdôr", as in Sindarin (which the name is in) those accents can occur this is nothing else than wrong spelled... As for the reference to Bilbos writings in the movies: Its very highly unauthentic that Bilbo really did that, as said it makes no sense at all and Bilbo did study elvish very carefully (he even wrote another book: Translations from the Elvish).

So I would suggest going back to the Version 1 of the banners, only including the accent in Lothlórien, which is an accent from our writing system, not an e-tehta from the Tengwar ;)
Im sorry but this idea makes no sense at all, it would mean just adding more vowels (like Eriador gets Eeriiaadoor and Gondor Goondoor), and mixing two completely differently working writing systems is already weird enough. If it really looks better can be discussed but I would not say it does. also now it just looks like it says for example "Môrdôr", as in Sindarin (which the name is in) those accents can occur this is nothing else than wrong spelled... As for the reference to Bilbos writings in the movies: Its very highly unauthentic that Bilbo really did that, as said it makes no sense at all and Bilbo did study elvish very carefully (he even wrote another book: Translations from the Elvish).

So I would suggest going back to the Version 1 of the banners, only including the accent in Lothlórien, which is an accent from our writing system, not an e-tehta from the Tengwar ;)
This is a great discussion. All of your points are totally valid. From the research I did (mostly consisting of forum sweeping, so.. grain of salt), the general thought was that the accents, when used with the common speech, serve only a decorative purpose and don't actually serve a pronunciation function. The reason they were included, from a lore standpoint, would have been that a culture that rose up in Eriador, being so close to the Elves, would have adopted small bits of Elvish practices. It also provides a fantasy explanation for where the dot over our "i" comes from.

So was Jackson just off his rocker here?


I'm sure he consulted somebody before pulling the trigger... not that he'd actually follow the lore, anyways. I have no illusions that Jackson actually tries to be accurate at all, but still... I like to hope.

I'd love to hear some more back-and-forth about this. @Finrod_Amandil I actually agree with you - I think Gondor and Mordor look crappy with the accents - not to mention that the "o" sounds in Gondor are different from one another. But again... decorative, so... hrngh. :confused:

My proposed solution would be this: killing the accents in all but Eriador (and I'd probably take away the capital E accent, too - it bugs me), keeping the ones for Eriador if only as a reference to the style seen in the movies.
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In the promotion materials for LotR, they mainly just use the 3 dots over the a. U vould stick with that. I mean, ik it's not 'accurate' but @ScoobyDeezy you are right that the hobbits at least would proly have used at least some of the tehta in their writing. Of course, in the lore they actually wrote all in Tengwar, but watevs =P