Project Leader: DSESGH
Reserve Leader: Ivan1pl
Project Staff: bender400
------Project Leader: DSESGH
Reserve Leader: Ivan1pl
Project Staff: bender400
Anfalas was a coastal region between the rivers Lefnui and Morthond, south of Pinnath Gelin. In the Third Age the Men of Gondor had traditions that it was once inhabited by Elves.
During the War of the Ring, the people of the Anfalas were harassed at the coasts by the Corsairs of Umbar. Lord Golasgil led a long line of scantily equipped hunters and fisherman, and also his own household, to the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
Anfalas means "Long Shore/Beach" in Sindarin. It is also translated as Andafalasse in Quenya and Langstrand in Westron. Tolkien noted that the shortening of long to lang is very frequent in English place names.
Region Map:
Concept Art:
Pinnath Gelin
White Mountains
To do:
- Terrain
- Pinnath Gelin - DONE
- Shores - DONE
- Plains - DONE
- Mountains - DONE
- Rivers - IN PROGRESS
- Vegetation - IN PROGRESS
- Gondorian Structures
- Villages
- Roads
- Castles
- Ruined buildings (pirate raids)
- Elvish Structures
- Ruined Villages
- Ruined Roads
- Village buildings
- Houses, taverns, inns, etc.
- Roads
- Elvish ruins
Why are you making the project post now? Hasn't it been in progress for a while?
Yes, Anfalas has been in progress. However, any project should have a project post. Better late than never!
When and how can I help?
You won't be able to help until all the terrain is finished. Considering the size of Anfalas, that could be a while. Once it is done, though, adventurers and artists will be able to help build the villages and roads.
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