Is going on an adventure!
- I joined the server on January 25, 2016.
- The jobs that I have participated in include readying fields and planting crops as well as road work. I haven't really done a lot of jobs because my internet connection can be pretty spotty at times, but I try to do all the jobs that I can do when I'm on.
- I really enjoy building in the Gondorian and Elvish styles. I like Gondorian in part because I love the textures of the pack but also because everything feels very grand and I enjoy "realistic buildings." I like Elvish because it appeals to the fantasy lover in me. Rivendell is easily one of my favorite builds on the server and I really enjoy building in that style because I feel like there is more room for creativity in it. Besides LOTR builds, I like building in a more modern style, although that probably won't be needed here, and I also like building organic things like animals on a large scale.
- I am applying for artist because just as I am amazed by Tolkien's writings, I am amazed by this server. The level of detail that goes into every build is astounding and I wholeheartedly respect the amount of time and effort that goes into every project. Despite this commitment to excellence, I have also found this server to be a lot of fun. Everyone is very friendly and always joking with each other. I really admire the positive atmosphere this server has while still being very effective in its goal. In the future, I am looking forward to helping out in Mordor, especially Minas Morgul and Barad-dur. It is for these reasons that I would love to take a more active role in this server as an Artist.