• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Salander98 (previously known as equinox_911) Artist Application


Is going on an adventure!
  1. I joined the server on January 25, 2016.
  2. The jobs that I have participated in include readying fields and planting crops as well as road work. I haven't really done a lot of jobs because my internet connection can be pretty spotty at times, but I try to do all the jobs that I can do when I'm on.

  3. I really enjoy building in the Gondorian and Elvish styles. I like Gondorian in part because I love the textures of the pack but also because everything feels very grand and I enjoy "realistic buildings." I like Elvish because it appeals to the fantasy lover in me. Rivendell is easily one of my favorite builds on the server and I really enjoy building in that style because I feel like there is more room for creativity in it. Besides LOTR builds, I like building in a more modern style, although that probably won't be needed here, and I also like building organic things like animals on a large scale.
  4. I am applying for artist because just as I am amazed by Tolkien's writings, I am amazed by this server. The level of detail that goes into every build is astounding and I wholeheartedly respect the amount of time and effort that goes into every project. Despite this commitment to excellence, I have also found this server to be a lot of fun. Everyone is very friendly and always joking with each other. I really admire the positive atmosphere this server has while still being very effective in its goal. In the future, I am looking forward to helping out in Mordor, especially Minas Morgul and Barad-dur. It is for these reasons that I would love to take a more active role in this server as an Artist.
Thank you for your application! I would like to give you some tips on what you can do to increase your chances to get accepted.

I'm not at home at the moment, I will give some feedback on your themed builds on Wednesday when I am back.

Aside from themed builds you can improve your chances to get Artist by helping with >>jobs and plotbuilds<< as you already did. Try to stay very active with jobs. When you finished a task for a Designer, remember to ask the Designer to give points to your application as described >>here<<.
Your Floating Log Inn and Rhosgobel build look quite nice, but the buildings are very small. So they look a bit cramped and you can't make nice details especially for interior. Try to fill every place of you plot.

Your Meduseld is, well, unfinished. So all the interesting details are missing. The front of your hall is quite nice except of the cobble stone, I think that material is very unrealistic for a roof. The smooth stone you made the floor of is usually used for natural stone, so I would suggest to use some kind of stone bricks / cobble stone for the floor. You made a pattern for the floor, that is good. You could try to make it a bit more complex.

Your Tirith Aear looks good too, except of the large glass faces at the lower parts. The surroundings of the Tower look quite empty and boring.As As above, try to use all there area of you plot. Some vegetation or rocks and a realistic sea bottom made of several mixed materials.

For all builds: Make some more screenshots showing more details. Also build/show the interior of your builds.